Cheating Male monster high x chuby hybrid reader

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You are walking home in the rain and it was also freezing cold but right now you didn't care, you had just found out your boyfriends of three wonderful years have been cheating on you. What hurt the most were their excuses for cheating and finding out your best friends had knew was well. Half of the school knew and not dared to tell your the truth you and locked your self in the girl bathroom crying.

Y/n " mistake are made with relationships but this shouldn't be it" you had gotten home and walked into your bedroom, you sit in the ground in the dark.

Y/n " phantom play some music please" your phantom speaker soon starts playing songs at were all based on heartbreaks.

Y/n " it was better to love to never love at all"

Ding ding

You picked up your coffin phone and see there are many texts from your now ex's and everyone else, trying to find out where you were and if you will speak to them.

Y/n " just leave me alone please I don't want to see anyone or even speak with you all" you were feeling mixed emotions you had stared blaming your self thinking, if you did better in the relationship they would of never cheated on you.

Y/n " ........"

Knock knock

Soon there is knocked on your bedroom door and you soon see fathers coke walking into your room, they could tell something was the matter. You tell them the whole story of what happened between you and your ex's your werewolf father was pissed and ready to fright your ex's.

Y/n " they said they loved me and they end up breaking my heart"

Dad " listen sweetie maybe one day you will find true with a guys that would do anything for you"

Y/n " I thought they were the ones i wanted to spend the rest of my life with "

Dad " one day you will get over them and you will find your happiness, for now you have your family by your side"

Father " if it will make you feel better you can switch schools and start over"

Y/n " I think I rather stay at monster high and get done with school and never see the ones who broke my heart ever again" you did go back to school and you avoid your ex's and friends everyone kept on saying they were sorry, but you won't really I'm the forgive and forget mood today.

Freddy " hey y/n"

Y/n " hey Freddy"

Freddy " come here" Freddy hugs you and that's when you stated crying you soon opened your eyes to see the rest of Freddy friends stand there, the comfort you and mad,e you feel special. What your fad had said to you at night came true you did find your true loves, it just had to take a heartbreak to lead you to the right ones.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now