Male kim possible x cuvry best friend reader

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You are the best friend I'd ken possible the boy who was well known world wiled for being able to save the day no matter what, and you were know of his unknown side kick. Ken was everything any guy a girl wanted to  date and he was the guy everyone boy in school wanted to be. You still couldn't believe at you were best friends with ken because he was cool and popular and you were the joke of the school.

Ken " hey y/n what going on"

Y/n " oh noting hey are you feeling okay you been acting weird lately"

Ken " what do you mean weird" for the past few days Ken has been acting weird towards you and everyone else, there were times when he got mad and broke something and there were time he will quite.

Y/n " well you see yesterday you got mad over you grade and ended up breaking a chair"

Ken " I don't remember that at all are you ...."

Y/n " maybe I was seeing things"

Ken " you know I always thought you were so cute y/n"

Y/n " Ken are you okay"

Ken " why pay do you been babe I'm always like this when I'm with my beautiful lady"

Y/n " aww that is funny Ken you know what I have right go I will see you later" you soon walked away from Ken how was giving you a lovely look making you feel confused.

Y/n " what is going on with .... ahh Ken where did you come from I thought you were back there"

Ken " I just walk you to class"

Y/n " umm sure whatever" you were walking to class with Ken when he soon grabbed you free hand, you could see students looking at you two with confused looks.

Y/n " hey Ken what going with you"

Ken " nothing just enjoy my time with my girl" Ken soon kissed you on your lips getting you off guard making you pshh him back, he soon hits the lockers behind him and look at you.

Ken " what going on"

Y/n " wait you don't remember what just happened"

Ken " no I didn't know what happens did I do something to you or someone else"

Y/n " well you flirty with me and then kissed me"

Ken " I didn't mean to.... I keep on blacking out and forgetting everything that was happening" you soon looked closely at Ken and saw something was no his neck, you soon got close to him and took off the chip that was implanted on him.

Ken " oh I think that was the emotional chip we were trying to get on our last mission"

Y/n" so this will be the thing messing with your emotions lately maybe we should send it back to Wade"

Ken " sure hey did I say anything embarrassing back there"

Y/n " oh nothing to embarking hey lye forget to even happened okay"

Ken " okay" Ken had soon set the chip to wade but he was till thinking about the kiss between you and him, and now kind he wish he could tell you now he really felt about you.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now