Viking x chubby wife

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You are waiting for your husband Vlad to return home from another one of his journeys, Vlad is the third son of the chef of the clan. You and Vlad have been friends since you guys were young and soon the friendship had turned into a romantic, with Vlad asking your father and brothers for you hand in marriage when you came to the age of marriage. Your father and brothers agreed to the whole proposal because they knew Vlad love you for yourself and did everything to keep you safe from danger.

Y/n " when will he be back he has to be back soon"

Y/n father " my dear lovely daughter your husband and brothers will be home soon, you can't be worry yourself sick it not good for you and the ...."

Y/n " yes father I know but I worry about all of them there have been reports of those kings trying to kill us, and act like we are animals"

Y/n father " daughter everyone will back safely hey he will be surprise when you tell him you are with child and going to make him a father out of all his brothers"

Y/n " yes I just hope he will take the news well" you had found out from the midwives at your are pregnant and with your husband away, you didn't have a way to tell him the news.

Y/n father " he loves you to much to think bad about the news he will be overjoyed to become a father"

Servant " my lady they are back home the warriors have returned" you soon walked towards the beach with your father and father in law.

Vlad " where is my lovely wife"

Y/n " hello my dear husband"

Vlad " y/n you look beautiful as ever I ..... your pregnant"

Y/n " yes my love you are going to be father" Vlad kissed you on the lips making you smile at him, he so happy your hear the news he was going to be a father.

Vlad " we celebrate tonight in honor of our victory and my unborn child"

Everyone " yes" Vlad didn't leave you side all at night he was to happy to be a father and finally started a family with the women he loved.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now