Samurai x chubby wife reader

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You are the wife of Shang who is well know and powerful samurai, you love your husband but you hated the backlash you faced due to being his wife. This afternoon Shang is coming back from his journey and you are happy that he, is coming home but you know something will soon take him away. You are waiting at the enter of you house with household servants and soon enough you see Shang coming closer to the house in his horse. He soon is sitting in his bride right in front of you and the servants, he soon jumps off his horse and walks over to you.

Shang " my love I'm so happy to see you"

Servant " I'm sorry my lord but we need lady y/n right now"

Shang " sure" you soon walked away with your servants leaving Shang standing there with the remaining, servants he wanted so badly to be alone with you and have some time to talk. He hated it now more that he had to leave more often and he just wanted to be home with you, and he wanted to start a family with you so he has more people to come home to.

Later that night

You had walked into the hot spring room carrying some towels and clean clothes for your husband,after the servants could not find him.

Y/n " Shang are you in here?"

Shang" hey why don't you join me and have a relaxing bath and we can talk" you soon see Shang sitting in the water with his hair loss from the tie and hanging down in the water.

Y/n " ..... "

Shang " is something the matter my love"

Y/n " there... no everything it fine I will leave you to take your bath I will see you later"

Shang " sure my love" you soon walked away from Shang fast leaving home to first to task his bath, after a while he join you in your guys shared bedroom.

Shang " I have great news for you my love"

Y/n " what is it"

Shang " well after going on journey for five years, I have been promoted and that means we will be moving to a bigger place and I don't have to travel that much"

Y/n " that wonderful"

Shang " I'm sorry so leaving all the time, and leaving you alone to deal with everything but I will make sure to make it up to you"

Y/n " it okay I'm just happy you will be home more now"

Shang " I'm happy you are happy my love now please tell me about everything I had missed while I was away"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now