Male winx club x witchwife reader x specialist

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You can say being married to your husbands was some how good and bad at , the times and now it become harder due to your husband riven coming and going when he wanted. You had children with your husband all boys and once the boys had become ten years old they went to their fathers former school. Some of your sons went to red fountain and the others went to male fairy school, expect for one of your sons that showed dark magic like you. Your son James was different from his brothers and fathers he did everything he could to fit in with them but nothing, worked he became the odd ball out of all of them. He still had your love and support and you were happy to have a wizard son as well.

Y/n " remember James tournament is right after Alexander, peters, and Nicky, Jackson, Nicolas"

Guys " okay"

Y/n " before them are sam, Ashton, and Brad, Matthew, Tommy, Xavier"

Sky " how did you remember each one"

Y/n " I'm their mother I have to remember"

Bloo" once all the boys are done we will make are way to cloud tower and see James"

Y/n "okay ... remember riven you made a promise to James to be there early right"

Riven " sure I will be there"

Y/non" riven please he is your son"

Riven " why could he just be that red fountain but no he that cloud tower, it so ...."

Y/n " hold your tongue riven .... just because he didn't become what you wanted does mean you can belittle him" you soon walked away from all your husband to go watch all your sons events. You soon had gotten to cloud tower and sat in good area to see James and he could see you.

Teacher " up next James l/n the son of y/n l/n and the heir to the l/n clan" you clapped for your son and he looked for his fathers and brothers but there are no where to be seen. James dose his trails and you ave yet to see your husband or sons, you were hoping they were going to come a bit late.

Y/n " please let them come" soon the event had ended James had won a higher ranking for a wizard his age and you are so happy for me, you are happy for all your guys because they passed their events and won high ranks.

James " mom look what I got"

Y/n " wow a sliver dragons twins eggs, a nice spell book and cool phoenixes egg":

James " can I keep them please mom"

Y/n " sure sweetie give them to the guards and they will take them home" James dose what he is told.

James " where is fathers and my brothers"

Y/n " I'm sorry they ....."

James " didn't come I knew it they would never show up for me, my brothers barely even speak with me when we cross paths in town"

Y/n " hey maybe they are waiting to celebrate with us"

James " okay" you and James go to find the others and after a whisk you don't find them. Soon enough everyone shows up and you are already mad that them, for breaking their promises.

Sky " hey we ....."

Y/n " don't speak with me right now I'm mad at all of you, you promised to be there and you didn't show up"

Hella " we are sorry okay we will make it up to him next time"

James " you can make it up to me by staying away from me"

France " James we are sorry we didn't mean to ....."

James " I don't care anymore all my friends are right about you all.... you never care about wizards"

Stello " hey we love you okay we didn't mean to ....."

James " I'd don't care for what you have to say stello or any of you ...l as for now I'm only child" James soon walked away and you looked at your husbands mad about what is happing.

Y/n " good job my dear husbands you finally got what you all wanted, he no longer your son or the boys brother.... I'm will be home later I'm going to find James and speak with him"

Tench " let us help"

Y/n " no please don't go home" you soon walked away and found James sitting on a log mad at his family.

Y/n " you know I still love you and I will come to all your school family events":

James " thanks mom I love you too"

Y/n " Good because you are not getting rid of me anytime soon" you give James a kiss on the forehead. Soon the both of you head back home James boss told his room and doesn't speak with anyone.

Y/n " leave him alone right now ... he might want to speak with you all later on but I won't hold the promise"

Alexander " mom are you mad at us"

Y/n " right now I'm not but I will be talking with you all tomorrow morning, about how you been treating your brother"

Brad" you know"

Y/n " yes I know now go to bed before I change my minds" the boys soon leave the room and now you are looking at your husbands.

Y/n " I'm giving you last chance to make it right with him and if you fail, that the end of you relationship with James and there no going back"

Mat " yes we are sorry"

Y/n " sleep here tonight all of you" you soon leave the room mad a about what you know.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now