Bat family x broken daughter reader x superman family

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You are the daughter of Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent's, and you are their only daughter. You have older brothers who are like your father fight crime, and there was a time when you did the same. That was until you had been focused to quite or more like removed from the lifestyle. It all started when a deadly villain had escaped, and out of everyone, one of your brother's teams and yours blamed you for it. You did your best to defend yourself with no such lucky you will remember the day you were waiting out of the justice league meeting room to hear what they were going to do with you. The outcome was not what you thought it would be. You see yo7 and been removed from your team and family team and forbidden from using your power of skill ever again. Your father Bruce said if they found out you were using your controls, it will be bad for you, and he and Superman won't be able to save you from the government or anyone else if you broke this rule. What made it harder was that your fathers and use this deceives to take away your powers for good, and you soon had nothing. So after high school, you moved too far away college and focused on your studies and avoid anything related to your family and former teammates/friends after all the hate you had gotten.

Y/n " boys breakfast is ready" you are now an adult woman with triplet sons you had to meet your husband terry in college, you kept your personal life away from him and told him little about your family. After years of being married, you soon had sons named Jackson, Alexander, and Bradon, your son, had lost your husband when he walked out and you four, and you only had your sons left. Every time you want to call home and speak with your family, you will remember all the things they said to you when you had been blamed for something you didn't do. You soon used your mother's maiden name and made sure the boys use it as well.

Bradon, " hey mom, we are doing a family tree project at school... and we wanted to know about your side of the family."

Y/n " later kiddo eat your breakfast, you're going to be late for school."

Jackson " yes mom" the boys eat their food and soon leave for school you knew sooner or later they would find out, but you are not ready to tell them the whole truth. You had gotten home from work and walked into the living room to see it a mess, and soon enough, you noticed your sons looking threw some papers.

Y/n " May I help you, boys."

Boys " mom, hey, welcome home."

Y/n " I'm guessing you want to know about my family right."

Alexander " yes please"

Y/n" okay, I will tell you all you need to know" you sit down at the table with the boys and ask them to want you to want them to understand and nothing else. Everything was going well. That was until someone had rung the doorbell making you stop your conversation with the boys.

Ding dong

Bradon " I will get it."

Bradon, " mom, there some guys here to see you."

Family pov

Bruce," it says she lives here."

Dick " dad, I don't think she wants to see any of us right now or ever."

Clark " we have to try and how much could have changed in her life since we last saw her" Damien had rung the doorbell, and soon enough, a young boy answered the door.

Bradon " excuse me, sir, how may I help you all."

Conner " dose a woman name y/n Wayne-Kent liver her kid."

Bradon " oh that my mom's name but that not her last time she last time her Weston" everyone looked at the boy shocked, could it be right is all a lie.

Bradon " Mo, there are some guys here to see you."

Y/n " coming."

Back to you

Y/n " Bradon, who are these guys you... Bradon goes upstairs with your brothers right now."

Bradon, " but you were going to tell us more...."

Y/n " I will tell you more later upstairs now."

Bradon " yes, mom Alex Jackson's mom wants us to go upstairs" the boys soon go upstairs, and you walk out of the house and close the door behind you.

Y/n" what are you all doing here."

Tim, " we came to see you we wanted to ....."

Y/n " you know what I don't care anymore; just get your cars and leave my sons and me alone."

Bruce, " you have kids."

Y/n " yes I do "

Clark, " can we meet them please Bradon seems like a nice boy, and maybe we can meet...."

Y/n " no, now please leave, or I will call the cops."

Conner " hear us our please we are sorry for what we did to you all those years ago... we just want you back and be a normal family."

Y/n " I have my healthy family, and I'm not coming home."

John, " then can we work something out, please."

Y/n " ....."

Bruce, " you still have your powers."

Y/n " yes, they came back a few years go, but my son's powers, will or will not come but that me for me to deal with, not you all."

Jason, " can we just sit down as a family and talk."

Y/n " sure... I just want this to be over with" you walk into the house with your family and sit down and talk with them, and soon enough, you felt at peace. Your family wanted you to come back to Gotham, and your father will pay for the boys to attend the same private school you attend.

Y/n " will you all like to meet them officially."

Bruce " yes please" the boys soon come back downstairs and that when you introduced them to your family. The boys see happy to meet their grandfathers and uncles finally. You soon moved to Gotham city with your sons and back into Wayne Manor, and soon enough, you started fighting crime again with your family and sons who early got their powers and were called impossible boys.

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