Male harley quinn x chuby reader x male posion ivy

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When you were a little girl writing down on what you thought you life will be in many years,when you were an adult you never pictured being married to two former supervillains. That was your life now you are happily married to Harvey Quinn and poison Evan, and you could say you are very happy and enjoy your marriage with them.

Y/n " you know for former supervillains they should he able to tell me when they will be home"

Y/n " boys dinner" you placed the larger metal dish pail on the ground and inside it raw steak and pork and soon enough, the hyenas come running into the kitchen. You were not alone at home completely you had Harvey pack or hyenas and Evan plants.

Y/n " you all eat your dinner and drink you water while, I go care for the plants" you soon had walked out of the kitchen to go feed and water the plants as you daily routine when you husband were busy or away on business.

Y/n " hello my darling planets and how are you all doing today" Evan living plants had taken a well liking to you when they first meet you when Evan and Harvey had moved you in with them, even the hyenas liked you because they had someone new play with and new owner as well.

Y/n " I always keep on forgetting how big this greenhouse is at times" when the guys said they will be working with he justice league you thought it was a joke and a trap, but after a while you soon knew they were telling the truth and you are happy that they become good verse evil. The whole world was happy to see the two male supervillain take hue good path in life and knew about their dark past.

????? " ahhh" you soon saw kite man come crashing into the garden and you know what he is here for, you really didn't like kite man because he never seemed to get a hint at you were not into him and kept on showing up again and again.

Kite man " hey good looking"

Y/n " hey kite man "

Kite man " oh come on sugar don't you love me anymore"

Y/n " no I don't and if I were you I would leave before ....." before you could say anything else and vine wrapped around kite man and picked him up.

Evan " she said she was not into you and million of time and even we told you to stay away"

Harvey " I think we should show out unwanted guest out right Evan"

Evan " right" soon Evan had the vine toss kite man out of the window he had broken you saw him going flying out your window screaming.

Harvey " hey love we are home"

Y/n " welcome back home"

Evan " come one we can order some Chinese food and watch some movies it can be a date night, and don't worry about him he will be okay I made sure not to kill him"

Y/n "okay" you and the guys walked into the living room and order Chinese food while trying to decide on the right movie to watch.  The guys were telling you about small parts about their mission because you knew they couldn't yell you the whole truth of what happened on the mission.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now