Evil Male mongona x cuvry witch reader

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So your faith in history had to due with prince Arthur and the knights of Camelot, you being born a witch you knew that will not be easy due to magic being outlawed and anyone caught doing magic will be killed. So you had traveled to Camelot and become prince Arthur maid servant and a nurse under the teachings of gauis.

Arthur " remember Morgono man could be out here we can't trust my brother anymore" Morgono  is Arthur secret older brother and when he found out he had powers he decided to use them for evil. You wanted to stop this part from history from happing but it didn't work, you ended up losing a close friend in the end.

Leon " okay y/n you have been quite the whole trip what the matter"

Y/n " it nothing Leon I'm just worried about....."

Lancelot " don't you worry about us we are going to be okay"

Arthur " I don't think she is worried about us she talking about my brother...... y/n how many Tim's have I told you he evil now and he is using magic people like him should never be trusted"

Y/n " yes Arthur"

Prevail " hey we can stop her for the night and rest" everyone got off their horse and made camp, you were getting sod for the fire trying to get away from everyone.

Y/n " there is some good in him I know it he can't be all that bad he still my friend and everyone else friend, he can help rule Camelot"

Lancelot " hey I came to see if you need any help"

Y/n " oh thank you Lancelot"

Lancelot " I know you still love and care about him but you still have Arthur as well I know, things with them were somewhat complicated but it might be way to decide"

Y/n " I know Lancelot I know I love them both the same and it became even more hard to decide who I love the most"

Lancelot " I wish I could give you some advice but I don't have any of these matter" you had fallen in love with both princes and now you are stuck in the middle, between good and evil. Soon nightfall had come and a fire was started, you are sitting near the fire watching the wood burn.

Arthur " hey why are you still awake y/n you should be asleep"

Y/n " I can't sleep Arthur I will keep watch you can go back to sleep"

Arthur " I know you atoll care for home but he not coming back y/n he to far gone, magic has turned him evil"

Y/n " he is still your brother Arthur you need him and he needs you"

Arthur " we shouldn't be talking about this right now"

Y/n " ........." Arthur soon had fallen asleep and now you are the only one still awake, you are watching the fire brim when you here movement. You grabbed a stick hoping deep down it just an animal bit no it was Morgono man and they seemed ready for a fight.

Y/n "guys wake ....." one of the guys knocked you out cold by using magic but you had hit your head one something. Soon Arthur and the knight woke up fast see you knocked out.

Arthur " save y/n man and get rid of these fools" You were taken away by one of the man when his fright had started.

Morgono " you have here ..,.. what did you do to her she bleeding from here head"

Man " I'm sorry my lord I ...." Morgono soon took you face and walked to his chambers with you and placed you in bed, the guy who knocked you out and brought you to Morgono was in trouble.

Morgono " you will be okay I used a spell my love and when you awake up, we Weill finally be together with no Arthur and his knights" Morgono kissed your forehead and soon leaves his chambers only you y9 rest and heal, from what had happened and now his plan is on action.

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