Male padama x cuvry wife x anakin skywalker

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You are spending so much did time with your two husband padamo and Anakin, it and been many months since you been alone with them at didn't involve the war or politics. Your relationship with both of your husband was a major secret, because Anakin was jedi and padamo is senator of his home planet.

Padamo " so how were you able to get away from your guards" you and sitting in meadow with your husbands , in hidden place where no will be at and you don't have to hide you relationship with them.

Y/n " I gave them the day off and hey it don't like my brother is going to know I'm with you all"

Anakin " sure but what are we going to do when they find out"

Y/n " I don't know yet"

Padamo " hey come one lets not think about that yet okay"

Y/n " sure" you had something else that was stoping you from tell everyone about your relationship with your husbands, and that will be you being the duchesses of mandalore and baby sister to the duke of mandalore along with your second older brother but that a story for some other time.

Padamo " I wish I could spend more time with you verse being at the senate all the time"

Y/n " hey your people need you"

Padamo " I know but I just hope this war ends soon so I get to spend some more time with you"

Anakin " hey I can agree on that fighting all these battles is become to much"

Y/n " hey you all get to have adventures while I'm stuck at mandalore dealing with death watch and family issues, which are being more harder over time"

Anakin " what do you mean dear"

Y/n " I think that story will be told when the time comes" Anakin and padamo looked at each and soon look at you, and gave you a smirk. They knew you had some hidden family secrets and they couldn't blame you because they knew you were deal with many things over the time. Everything was so peaceful and you were enjoying your time with your husbands, but that soon came to end when obi wan showed up on his ship.

Y/n " busted"

Anakin " master what are you doing here"

Obi wan " we have a upcoming mission .. oh hello duchess y/n and senator padamo"

Y/n " hello obi wan you know you can call me y/n"

Obi wan " yes my lady" You thought nothing could go wrong at was until c3po showed up on ship with bail Organa, and that when you knew your date with them was over.

Bail " padamo we are need at the senate there is bill being passed at could effect the whole war.... oh hello duchess y/n"

Y/n " hello"

Padamo " sure" the guys looked at you with a sorry experience but you knew they had to go, Anakin and obi wan soon left. Padamo had c3po and two guards take you back home but when you got back home your brother, had yet to find out you left the planet which was good for you but another's brother already knew.

Hello my readers and followers so I might make a start wars one shot book, at going to be like all my other one shot books. So I hope you will all read it and if anyone has any questions please comment below and I will answer them for you.

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