Yandere villian deku x cuvry reader x yandere villian bakugo

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You are in the house where you have been living with your two overprotective and possessive husbands, Deku and Bakugou. You knew your husbands were overprotective of you and hated when you were bullied by others, in front of them. You are watching tv hoping that your husbands will be home early, so you can ask them if you can go to the park with them.

Y/n " maybe I could go out alone and be back before they get home" you get up from the couch and go to the clothes looking for a coat to wear, and that when you started remember the rules you had been told by your husbands. They had forbidden you from leave the house alone.

Y/n " never mind I will stay here" you soon go back to your seat and sit down, and go back to watching tv. When it comes fo your husbands rules they are very strict about them and they hate it when you disobey them. You soon here the front door open and soon, Deku and Bakugou come walking into the living room with their clothes a bit dirty from their work.

Y/n " well home dears I'm so happy you are back home"

Deku " sorry it took us so long love work was busy and you could leave anytime soon"

Bakugou " hey we brought home some groceries as well we saw you had a listed written, on a paper on kitchen table and we thought we will get them for you"

Y/n " thank you" you soon put all the groceries away with the help of the guys, soon the tv chancel you were watching switches to the news fast.


The two most powerful villains had attack a bank today in the city and badly hurt seven hero's, well they were sealing and getting away. Some citizens had gotten hurt as well during the whole things and, this the ten time this months the two villains had attacked. The hero's has yet to find out who these villains are we will keep you all updated on this new.

End of new

Y/n " wow I hope"

Deku " it seems like no one can caught those two villains"

Bakugou " yeah it seems like the hero's finally meet their match"

Deku " see love that why we don't want to you go outside alone at times, there are evil people everywhere and only we can keep you safe"

Y/n " yes dears"

Deku " hey our work will finally give you all your wanted love and finally you will be treated like a princess"

Y/n " yes but I already feel like a princess honeys"

Deku " well we are going to treat you even more now love" Deku soon kissed you on the check and you started got red, you had fallen into their trap not knowing the dark side to your husbands. What they did to other boys that school who thought it was a good idea to be near you.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now