Punk rockters x cuvry nerd girl

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You are working the instrument shop cleaning up some new instruments that have arrived earlier this week , event thing was going well until the door to shop swiped open fast.

???? " y/n where are you my princess" Already you knew it was your best friend Jackson and before you could say anything, he is standing right in front of you.

Y/n " Jackson you know I love you but please stop kicked open the shop door"

Jackson " okay I promise"

Y/n " so I heard mr smith is allow you and your band to perform at his concert hall tonight"

Jackson " yes after years of asking him he finally said yes"

Y/n " I can't believe he finally said yes to you"

Jackson " hey me and the band are not that bad we just have a different taste in music"

Y/n " sure so what song are you going to sing this time"

Jackson " well you see I have been writing this new song and I'm planning to sing it today at the concert"

Y/n " oh really why I'm now hearing about this song"

Jackson " because I want it to be a surprise ... so are you going to be at the concert tonight"

Y/n " I will never miss a show of yours"

Jackson " then you are going to need a backstage pass when the show is over and we can hangout before or after the show"

Y/n " okay" Jackson soon hands you a backstage pass and you looked at him with a smile on your face, all your friends and family thought you and Jackson will make a great couple one day and said you two act liked one.

Jackson " well I have to go but I will see you later the band has practice, for the show tonight"

Y/n " okay see you tonight"Jackson soon leaves the shop and soon enough you are done cleaning, soon your shift had come to an end and you leave work wondering what song Jackson will be singing at the concert tonight.soon the night time had arrived and you are backstage waiting for Jackson and his band to go on.

Jackson " y/n you made it"

Y/n " I will never miss a good concert"

Jackson " you are going to love this song"

Y/n " okay" soon Jackson and his band go on and the crowd goes while, after playing a few songs everyone knew it was ti,e for the surprise song.

Jackson " hello everyone I will be singing a song for a girl I like my best friend and number one fan y/n, ..... y/n love I hope you will accept my feelings as well"before you could do anything Jackson had walked over to you and pulled you onto stage, and start singing to you making you blush bright red and the crowd was going wild.jackson had kissed you on the face and you kissed him back, making everyone cheer even louder.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now