Gangters x kind hearted girlfriend reader

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You are in love with your boyfriend victor and he had treated you well, since you started dating him but there  were something you didn't know about your beloved boyfriend of five years. You are in a fancy  restaurant with your boyfriend, thinking this is going to be normal date between you two.

Victor " this night will be the best my love" victor and you have a sit at a table but what you notice, when you were walking over to the table everyone was making sure to give respect to victor.

Y/n " okay" you were drinking some water when someone had poured alcohol on your dress, you noticed it was a waiter you were not that mad about your dress getting messed up.

Victor " how dare you ruin my women dress"

Y/n " victor it okay it a old dress anyway"

Male waiter " I'm so sorry mister victor I didn't mean it"

Owner " I'm sorry mr victor my employee will be fired for what he has done"

Y/n " no please don't fire him it okay I was going to give the dress away anyway"

Victor " it okay but makes sure he doesn't do it again or else"

Owner " yes mister victor" the owner of the restaurant and the waiter soon walk away from, the table you and victor are that.

Y/n " what going on victor everyone seems to fear or respect you"

Victor " it nothing my love I will tell you sometime later"

Y/n " okay" you and victor start eating dinner and you are still wondering what is with your boyfriend and the way people treat him, all these years since you have been dating your boyfriend you had thought he worked as banker and did some volunteer work as well.

Y/n " thank for the wonderful night honey" victor is walking you home from the restaurant because your place, was not that far from the restaurant and you just wanted to enjoy a nice walk under the stars.

Victor " anything for the lady of my dreams"

Y/n " hey are you going to tell me now what was the whole mood in the restaurant about"

Victor " I will tell you tomorrow at breakfast I will be here to pick you up, good night my love" you had noticed you are finally back at your place and victor gives you a kiss on the lips.

Y/n " good night love" you soon kiss victor on the lips and walked into you place and closing the door right behind you, you deeply wonder if victor was hiding anything from you and what was it that he need to hide from you.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now