Male Ariel x chubby meroctopus reader

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You are waiting near the graveyard of shipped wreak ships for your best friend prince Anthony, he was the son of king teuton. Anthony had yet to tell her family about his friendship with a female meroctopus because he knew his father would not approve of his relationship and so will his brothers.

Y/n " come on Anthony where are you"

???? " hey y/n sorry I'm late" you soon saw Anthony stand right in front of you with his usual smirk on his face, you wish to be mad at him for being Kate but you couldn't blame him because he had to escape the castle.

Y/n " it okay I'm happy you are here now"

Anthony " so are you ready to see if we can find anymore human things"

Y/n " yes o have been wanting to find some more jewel I have started making a small collection"

Anthony " okay let's go" you and Anthony soon swam over to the area so destroy ships and started looking around, for some new human things.

Anthony " hey y/n I was wondering if you want to come to the castle one day and meet my family"

Y/n " you want me to meet your family I thought they hated ..."

Anthony " I can change their minds and I want them to meet someone important to me"

Y/n " okay sure"

Anthony " yes we just have to find the right day and time" you and Anthony were having a good time collecting new things and showing each other. Anthony was more closer to you then he was normally was, you thought nothing of it and just went with it.

Antony " you are not like any of the any other girls down here y/n you are adventurous and like to gain more knowledge"

Y/n " thank you Anthony I'm happy to have a friend like you"

????? " Anthony" You and Anthony soon saw a yellow and blue fish swimming over to you guys, and the fish had a flower it top finned.

Anthony " flora"

Flora " Anthony I found your  father is looking for you ..... oh hello"

Y/n " hello"

Flora " wait are you y/n"

Y/n " yes"

Anthony " y/n this my fish friend flora and she know everything about you and our friendship"

Flora " he talks about you a lot y/n even in a lovely way"

Anthony " okay time to go home same time tomorrow y/n"

Y/n " sure "

Anthony " well good evening y/n" Anthony had kissed you in your check making you smile and blush, and he soon blushed back at you and swam away with flora. When Anthony had gotten back to the castle he was humming because he was so happy he was getting closer, to telling you how he feels. His father and brother were watching him trying to understand what was going on.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now