Male aurora x chubby friend reader

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Prince Auro is your best friend and you were the only friend his parents trusted to be friends with their son. Prince Auro was a handsome guy and all the girls in the kingdom wanted, to be with Auro and everyone anted the idea that you got to spend more time with the princes verse them. You really love Auro as well and you stated to develop a crush for your best friend but you didn't know how to tell him how you really felt about him.

Auro " thank you for coming with horse back riding with me y/n"

Y/n " oh you are welcome Auro I'm enjoying my time with you"

Auro " I just joyful that you had said yes I thought you were going to be busy or doing something else"

Y/n " oh ....."

Auro " hey maybe we should stop here so the horse and relax"

Y/n " sure Auro" you had gotten off you horse and saw Auro and something behind his back, you and started to wondering on what did he have.

Auro " so I thought maybe we could make this horse ride into a picnic for us"

Y/n " sure" you and Auro and set up the picnic and sat down on the picnic blanket, you could see something was bothering Auro because he seemed not be his normal cheerful self. This time he seemed to be sacred about something and you knew pushing him, for answer will just end badly.

Auro " y/n I have something to tell you"

Y/n " umm okay what do you have to tell me"

Auro " y/n for sometime I had a crush on you and being wonder if you thinking if you love me as well"

Y/n " Auro I ......" before you cam give your best friend your honest answer the knights finally showed up and you knew, the moment telling him you loved him was nit perfect anymore.

Auro "  I'm sorry y/n"

Knight " you majesty we had been worried something had happened to you but knowing, you are with lady y/n we have nothing to be worried about now"

Auro " it okay knights but if you excuse me and I was waiting for y/n answer" before you could do anything Auro and stood up and grabbed you handed, and stayed walking towards the lake with you allowed the knights to say some of Cookies and fruit.

Auro " okay we are alone now you can give me your answer if you feel like it"

Y/n " I do love you Auro and I have for the longest of time I didn't know if you loved me as,well until now"

Auro " I'm just happy you love me as well my dear" Auro soon pulled you closer to him and kissed you on the lips making, you kiss him back and smile at him. You could hear some cheering and some laughing you and Auro and turned around and saw the knight were the ones cheering and laughing. Everyone soon knew you guys had become a couple and they were happy with the news.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now