superman x wife curvy reader x batman

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You are the wife of Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent aka batman and superman, you are a scientist and had met your husbands at a gala in honor science. You had spoken most of the time at the gala talking with the two-man after they come up to you after you got done talking about a deceive you had made. After that night you had become closer with the two males that they, soon told you about their secret life. 

????" y/n" you are looking over some reports when your husbands had walked into your lab with a scape ship. They had called out your name but you seemed to focus on your work to even look, at them. 

Y/n" oh hey dear" 

batman" what are you working on" 

y/n" oh nothing important yet" you soon get up from your seat and walk over to the ship with your husbands. 

y/n" so what did you bring me this time" 

Superman" I had found this is morning and we came to see what it does" 

y/n" well let's crack this open and see what it does" you were about to touch the door when superman stops you. 

superman" not going to happen love" 

y/n" oh come on how dangerous can this be" 

superman " sorry love but no" 

batman" he is right dear we can't let anyone touch it until we know what it doses" 

y/n" then why will you both take it here out all places" 

Superman " well we wanted to see you love" 

y/n" aww... hey I have something to tell you guys...." you soon hear tricking coming from the ship. Before you could do anything the ship blows up and you hit the ground hard. The last things you saw or heard were your husband's faces looking at you, and calling out your name. 

Six hours later 

you wake up in a hospital room you soon notice you have some stitches and bandages, on you making you wonder what had happened. 

y/n" hello" soon the hospital room door opens and in came, Clark and Brue, when they see you are up, they smile brightly.  

y/n" hey" 

Bruce" you are wake...we are so happy to see you wake" they go to your bedside and hug you lightly. 

Y/n" what....." 

Clark" that spaceship had a boom in it... I should have seen..." 

y/n" it okay we are all alive and well" 

Bruce" so this there anything special you want to tell us" 

y/n" well you guys are going to be fathers... but I'm guessing one of the doctors had told you already" 

Bruce" well he did ask us if we knew you were pregnant and we said no noting know, and that when he dropped the news on us" 

Clark " then we started to worry more think we could lose you and baby/s" 


Bruce" twins" 

y/n" yes" the guys hug you once again and give you and kiss on the lips, after a few weeks you were allowed to go home. 

One year later 

y/n" hey have you guys have Damien and Johnathan with..." you had walked into the library of the manor to see the guys sitting in couch chairs, holding the boys in their arms. Johnathan was being held by Clark while Damien was being held by Bruce. They all are fast asleep looking adorable as they can be. 

y/n"so cute" 

Bruce" hey honey how was work" you soon see bruce looking at you with a small smirk on his face. 

y/n" it was good but I'm happy to be home" 

Clark" hey honey" 

y/n" hey how was your day off with the boys" 

Clark" great as it can be" 

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