Red hood x short sister reader 2

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It has been many years since you had even been home, you had asked you, father, will it be fine if you stayed in the family's vacation house when you were off from school. There had been times when your father and Alfred had talked with you over the phone, they asked you when will you be home again and saying everyone missed you so much. For some reason, you really didn't believe that, and you told them you had made some friends here that became a second family to you and that you were doing better mentally and physically here. You are now a young adult and you soon had started working for a famous company after you had done a small internship.  You always made time for your male friends that you meet during boarding school years. 

This afternoon you had just landed that the Gotham airport you see you had finally came home, after years of being away from home your father managed to bring your home for a while. You soon got off the plane and saw a face you never have seen in while Alfred. 

y/n" hello Alfred how are you" 

Alfred" miss y/n... you have grown up so much the last time I saw you it was when you were still a pre-teen" 

y/n" yeah I missed you and father so much sorry I have been gone, so long" 

Alfred" it okay dear I understand now let's get you home everyone will be happy to see you" 

y/n" sure" after driving for while you soon got back to Wayne manor and everything was still the same. Soon you walked into the manor and ace was the first one to come running towards you, and you were so happy to see him you gave him a big hug. 

y/n" hey boy miss me" you hear laughing come from the Batcave and that when you knew you had to face everyone sooner or later. You made you way down the steps into the Batcave and you soon saw old faces, your father and brother along with members of the justice league. You had been caught up superman and he soon pointed you out to everyone who looked straight at you. The few eyes you didn't want on you were your brother and old males friends you haven't even spoken to in a long time.

y/n" hey" 

Dick" y/n is that you" 

y/n " yes who else will it be Dick" 

Bruce" wow you are finally home dear I'm so happy you decided to come home" 

y/n" yeah but I allow will be here for a few weeks then I have to head back to London" 

Tim" wait you are going back home we thought....." 

y/n" it's my life Tim I can live it as I want" 

Flash" It great to have you, home kid" 


Conner" hey what have you been up to lately y/n" 

y/n" nice try conner" you soon turn around and start walking up the steps. 

Damien " wait where are you going" 

y/n" For a walk alone... I like being alone when I'm here" you soon walked out of the manor and soon down the driveway. 

y/n" oh y/n we thought you will be staying... oh that will be the day when I decided to stay" 

???? " hey sis wait up" You soon stopped walking and see drake running towards you in his casual wear. 

y/n" .... Drake..." 

Drake" hey so how does it feel to be back home" 

y/n " it okay" 

Drake" we all missed you hey we are all going to visit Jason grave later on tonight do you....." 

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now