Male darcalua x cuvry freddy sister

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You are walking down the hallways of monster high trying to find your older older Freddy after he had run off with his friends leaving you alone. You were not paying attention to where you were walking when you ran straight into, alucariod who is best friend of your brother Freddy and also a friend of yours.

Y/n " oh hey Alucariod"

Alucariod " hey y/n you are look fantastic today"

Y/n " thank you al" you started a blush bright red at alucariod comment towards you due to you have a small crush on him, but you have a negative feeling he will never love a ghoul like you.

Heath " oh hey there cutie" once Heath showed yo right in front of you and alucariod you rolled your eyes at him, Heath kept on hitting on you and when you told him to stop he will not. Even when your brother and his friends told him to stop and leave you alone, he kept at it and now you were done with him.

Alucariod " hey Heath back off for the last time she not into you and she will never be"

Heath " fine I will leave her alone for now" Heath soon walked away and you soon smiled at alucariod you were happy, that he was able to get Heath away from you for the moment.

Alucariod " hey I was going to ask if you wanted to go to the movies.... like as date this weekend if you are okay with that"

Y/n " I will love too I'm guessing that what you were going to ask me before Heath showed up"

Alucariod " yeah I was going to ask you that but Heath had to come and ruin the moment... but it good now that you said yes to my question"

Y/n " yeah"

Alucariod " hey can I walk you to class and make sure hot shot dose not come back"

Y/n " I will love that al" al and you walked to you next class when you were walking side by side with him, you felt safe and happy and it seemed like Heath was not going to start something with you while Alucariod was near you.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now