Shang x chubby wife reader x male mulan 2

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You are watching your sons practice martial arts skills with their fathers as you the boys had begged their fathers , to teach them martial arts and after months and months of asking you husbands had said yes. The boys had wanted to become hero's like their fathers, and there was of become his were learning the skills of their fathers.

Shang " sons make sure you are keeping a good stand"

Boys " yes father"

Ping " maybe we are done here we can go horse back riding if you mother allow it"

Y/n " if you are back before dinner then yes you boys can go with your fathers"

Boys " thank you mother"

Shang " if you boys are ready why don't you get the horse ...." before Shang could finish his sentence the boys had taken off towards the barn.

Ping " well that didn't take long enough to ask them to do at"

Y/n " well you guys are there Heroes"

Shang " oh love you are their hero as well"

Y/n " aww are you just saying at to make me happy"

Ping " no we mean it when we are away from training new cadets you are here, taking a care of the boys and watching them due their training"

Shang " without you we will never have made it this far you are the rock in this family"

Y/n " you boys are always so sweet and handsome"

Shang " we will be back shortly and hey we might caught a nice bird for dinner"

Y/n l okay be carful and keep a close eyes on the boys"

Ping ' we will love" the guys kissed you goodbye and the boys hugged you goodbye and they soon took, off for some horse riding and hunting the guys did catch some fish's used you for dinner.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now