Male freddy x cuvry gergon reader

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You had been just ditched by your older brother deuce so him and his friends can go play some card game, it was your first time here at monster high and you didn't want to be the school loser. You had turned the corner of the hall and that name you ran into someone. Like your brother deuce you had to wear special glass if you wanted to look others,on dyer or people in eye without turn them into stone. When it came to your snake hair it was longer then you brother and went past your shoulder, the snake scales started from darker cooler ( your favorite color) and soon went into a lighter color ( your favorite color). Your shades were the same color as the snake scales because to you everything had to been matching in someways.

Y/n " wait to go y/n you embarrassed yourself already.... I'm so sorry I didn't see you there ..... your hand"

Freddy " it okay the name I'd Freddy"

Y/n " well here is your hand back Freddy" you give Freddy his dislocated hand back and his place is back on and soon looks at you.

Freddy " hey are you new here y/n"

Y/n " yes I'm the new ghoul at school"

Freddy " I have a feel I might of seen you somewhere before but o can't remember"

Y/n " it okay if you don't remember not lot of people try to remember a gorgons face"

Freddy " oh come one don't think about yourself like that this school we celebrate every monster freaking flaws and all's"

Y/n " thank you hey do you know where is class maybe be" You showed Freddy your class list and he soon smile at you.

Freddy " well you are in luck y/n because we have the class together, come one we can walk together there"

Y/n " sure" you and Freddy walk to the classroom and you soon see many monster sitting in the class room already.

Freddy " come on you can sit by me and my friends"

Y/n " thank you"

???? " hey Freddy who the new ghoul with you"

???? " oh yes I never seen her around"

Freddy " well guys this is y/n and she is new here"

???? " well hello y/n I'm claws and this I alucariod"

Y/n " hello"

???? " I'm the great and power tut the ruler of this school"

Freddy " tut be nice to here she is new here"

???? " I'm Logan she"ll nice to meet you"

Claws " I have a weird feeling I have seen here somewhere"

Freddy " I have said the same things"

Tut " wait you are ...."

Deuce " oh hey sis you made it to class"

Y/n " hey big bro you are back"

Guys " big brother"

Freddy " now I remember I seen here before I a few pictures at deuce place, and I remember there was another door that leaded into a bedroom"

Y/n " oh yes that was my bedroom door I have heard you guys voice before at the house, but never had will
Owner to day hello"

Deuce " yeah my sister is a shy ghoul and really dose not like talking with newcomers that much ... so how did you get here sis"

Y/n " oh Freddy here showed me the way to class" before you could say anything else some fire guy showed up right I'm front of you.

Heath " you must be the new ghoul in school"

Y/n " not happing I have heard about you enough Heath Burns"

Heath " oh come on baby give me a try and see what fire we can start... let see you beautiful eyes"

Deuce " Heath leave her alone or ...."

Y/n " I got time big bro so you want to see my eyes fine I will show you them but if, you know my brother the family trait dose not fall far the vine" you take off you glass and soon everyone but Heath closed their eye of hide their face but when you soon place your, glasses back on Heath was stone.

Y/n " will in trouble for that"

Guys " nope "

Freddy " that was amazing and it seemed like everyone one else like it"

Tut " so what going to happen to him will be okay"

Y/n " well I'm guessing by the end of day he will be okay"

Freddy " hey y/n do you want to sit by me"

Y/n " sure"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now