Three merman princes x chubby mermaid reader

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You are swimming around in the beautiful sea enjoying your day off fro, your studies. You are planning to meet three merman that made you super happy and brought a smile to your face.

???? " hey beautiful" you soon look and see sora he was one of the three merman, you were in a deep relationship with and he was one of princes of the under sea kingdom.

Sora " hey we have been waiting for you, Tadashi and Luka are waiting for us"

Y/n " sorry I'm late it had a few things to do before I could leave the house"

Sora " hey I'm just happy you are finally here"

Y/n " I'm happy to finally spend a wonderful day with the people I love the most" you are swimming with sora and you soon see luka and tadashi waiting neat you guys normal dating spot.

Luka " hello love we are glad to see you" luka gives you a kiss on the check and you give him a kiss as well.

Tadashi " was if easy for you to get here love"

Y/n " it was the usually way of getting here, but I'm happy I made it on time"

Sora " we are just happy to be far away from the castle and all dose royal duties"

Y/n " hey you guys are living in wonderful place verse a small house in, cave that always having some problems"

Luka "trying living with our father for a while and him trying to set us up with someone new just because he ....."

Y/n " hates me I know he hasn't changed over the years"

Sora " hey listen to us as we love you and we won't ever leave you side, no matter what you father dose and says because you will have this"

Y/n " what are you talking about" sora soon shows you a white pearl necklace, he soon placed it around your neck.

Y/n " what is this for"

Luka " many years ago before our mother dead she gave us this necklace, telling us one day to give to a mermaid we want to make our wife and queen you are the one we want" you felt so happy about what the guys had told you about their necklace, and soon enough you did become their queen even if their father hated the ideas soon enough he has gotten use to you and started to like you and be nice as well.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now