Bat family x broken daugther x super man family

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You have always done your best to prove yourself to your family and many other people, being the daughter if Batman and Superman was never easy when you lived your normal life, same went for your superhero's life you can still remember the day you found out you powers, not everyone in your family was happy to see you have powers. Soon the public eye stated to have mixed emotions on the new superhero girl.

Y/n " dad I was wondering if I could help on ....."

Superman " no stay here and just done anything stupid okay .... you have messed up to many times already"

Y/n " yes dad"

Batman" let us and your brothers held everything"

Y/n " yes sir" soon your family left you there had been a few mission where you had slipped up and everything has went wrong. You were soon blamed on the news and you fathers would lecture you for hours and later in your brothers will do so as well.

Random guy " I can't believe they brought her here to save us ... she nothing but useless to everyone"

Random women " I agree I think Batman and the government should of killed her when they got the changes" you knew there had been plans to the government to get rid of you, but you knew your family and friends would never let that happen would they. You are helping some scientists escape and laboratory you are doing your best no to mess up I need again, you just wanted everyone to be proud of you and say you did a good job for once.

Dick " what are you doing here kid

Y/n " I'm just trying to help night wing that all"

Dick " go back to where you had been told to stay now .... I can deal with this on my own"

Y/n " no you can't it too much work I just want to help"

Dick " go back now" you take the remaining people into the laboratory outside and place them in safe area, and soon enough a big explosion goes off at the laboratory and you fly there to save your bother and others. You soon get there and see the exits is blocked so you move the fallen roof away and people come running out and you go inside fo dick and find him badly hurt with some other and you get them out there fast.

Dick " what did you do"

Y/n " I saw there was ......"

Dick " some of those people you saved were the ones that caused this couldn't you tell"

Y/n " no I didn't" soon more explosive go off and you take off into the sky to see chaos going on and people running and screaming, you do you best to help but you are soon kicked to the ground by Conner and John.

Conner " stay down and out of the way" you soon see dick and run to check on him but you see justice league doctors attending to him.

Y/n " night wing are you okay ....."

Dick " stay away from me ..... you can't even do anything right can you"

Y/n " I'm sorry I just wanted to help"

Random guy 2 " you are noting you foolish child you are false hero" you are soon hit by a rock and you see blood dripping from your forehead. Soon enough you and a lot of other hero's and taken back to the watch towers and you are told 300 people had dead and 400 inquired and people were blaming you for most of it.

Batman" what were you thinking"

Y/n " I was just trying to help"

Batman " help you didn't help you made thing worst come here now" Bruce soon drags you over to the medical room where you see hurt people.

Batman " some of them might never walk again or use their power all because of you"

Y/n " I'm sorry I didn't mean to dad I was trying to help" soon Batman slapped you hard on the face loud enough for people to hear and look at you both.

Batman " get out of my face now I don't want to see or hear you for rest of the night"

Y/n " yes sir" you soon walk away from you father you saw people looking at your with anger and disgusted, soon you go back to the medical room to see your brother and say you are sorry.

???? " why did dads keep her around they should of just let the government take her away"

John " I agree with Damien she has fail us and fathers to many times"

Tim " I hate that she has powers"

Conner " the public is right about her she never going to be a hero she should just go away"

Batman " what going on here"

Jason " we are just talking dad that all"

Superman " where is y/n"

Conner " we don't know and no is really talking to her anyway she has been blamed the bad lucky girl"

Superman " I think it will be the best if we have her go live with my mother for while until her understand her mistakes, and maybe we should take away her powers"

Conner " how is dick"

Batman " he might never walk again in his life do to what happened" once you heard that you felt horrible if you onlei didn't come, everyone will be fine and no will be hurt. You soon walk away from the medical room and almost out of watch tower that was until you ran into wonder women and hawk girl.

Wonder women " hello little sister how are you tonight"

Y/n " useless wonder women I'm useless to everyone in the world even my own family"

Hawk girl  " no you are not little one if takes time to find out who loves ash hates you"

Y/n " or just a few minutes I hurt everyone ... I'm going for a walk tell my father.... never mind don't tell them anything " broth wonder women or hawk girl could say anything to you to help make you feel better you were gone, you soon changed your clothes and went to park where you started crying.

???? " dear child why are you out here alone crying at night"

Y/n " I'm sorry if nothing ..... I just seem not to do anything well"

???? " what do you mean child you seem like a good girl who will make her family proud"

Y/n " no I'm not my brother and many other people are hurt because of me.... I think if I just went away no one will miss me"

????? " well granny can make you feel better" you soon looked and say granny goodness standing there and before you could do anything you are knocked out cold.

Granny goodness " my my dear child you will become a good thing for dark side" you are soon taken to darkside joke planet but something, opens and granny goodness loses you and your body falls into another portal. You soon open you eyes to see people looking over you.

Radon Boy " she fall from the sky"

Radom lady " she look not from around her ... I think she might be one of those god like people we have been told about"

Random guy " we have to bring her to the princes they said if someone like her comes to bring them to them" you soon blackout once again not knowing what going to happen to you.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now