The Broken padawan

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There is a small room where were a Nautolan young girl sits there was allow one window for this small room, that the girl was placed in by her sith master. When she was very young she was brought to this place of nightmare and angry, her master had taken her from her home planet with such ease. Every since the day she arrived she had been training in the sith way, not even knowing there was other way of her jedi powers. Her names is dayial that was his name her master had given her, he called it his one gift to her.

Droid " misstates that master will like to see you"

Dayail " I will be there" dayail of off from her bed and walked out of her room and, walked down the halls she knew so well to go see her master. Once she entered the room she got on her knees and looked at the floor waiting for her master to speak to her.

Dayail " master you called for me"

???? " yes my child I have been see your training has gotten better, but you are still a failure to me"

Dayail " forgive me master for my mistakes"

Droid " sir there has been report from a squad and they are in fright with some jedi"

???? " I will go deal with them and for you my dear child go away until I call upon you again"

Dayial " yes master as you wish" dayail soon got off her knees and walked out of her master throne room, and down some halls hoping to find something interesting to find and maybe see what these jedi were like. She had been told my her master that these jedi were evil people and will kill her, where she stands for what they believe me.

Dayail " maybe I should go see what these jedi are like" dayail ran back to her room and grabbed her lightsabers, she soon started walked down the hallway leading to the outside of the base when she heard frightening happing.

Dayail " master" dayail follows the sound of frighting when she comes across something weird to her, there were many men wearing the same armor and holding blaster.

Dayail " jedi"

???? " hey did you all hear that"

???? " what are you talking about shinny"

???? " captain I thought I heard someone say something" dayial soon hear blaster firing off filing the room, before she could do anything three older males ran past her holding lightsabers like hers but in brighter colors.

Dayail " oh no master" dayail soon had taken a hidden passage to her master throne room to tell him hen jedi were in the base and destroying the droids.

Dayail " master there are .... master where are you we need to leave" soon the door leading into her master throne room opened, making her turn around and switched on her lightsabers.

Dayial " I don't want to hurt anyone but what have done with my master"

???? " hello little one you most be the Padawan we are looking for"

Dayail " what do you want from me"

???? " my dear child we are not here to hurt you we are here to bring you to the jedi temple"

Dayail " no you are going to kill me that what master has told me" the three jedi males were looking at dayail not paying attention to the destroyer droid behind them, and for dayial jumped over one of them and destroyed the droid fast.

??? " thank you little one"

???? Generals watched out she is a sith" before anyone could do anything dayail was hit by something that made her fall to the floor, and make her whole body freeze and soon everything become darker to her.

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