Handsome punk x chubby glassses reader

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You are sitting on your boyfriends living room couch working on some homework and watching your boyfriend, Shawn doing push-ups on his workout mat. Every time you looked at him and back at your work you had fix up your glasses, to make sure they don't fall off your face.

Shawn " I know you are watching me baby girl"

Y/n " are you sure Shawn I seem to be more into my homework then I'm watching, you doing push-ups shirtless"

Shawn " oh come on you like watching me doing them shirtless because you get to see all of this"

Y/n " not be such a hot shot babe"

Shawn " fine then let me help you with that homework" Shawn soon stops doing push-ups and walked over to you, and gives you a smirk making you smile at him. He soon takes you textbook out of hand and now holding it in his, you try to take your book back but that fails.

Y/n " hey give that back I need it to study for my exams"

Shawn " well study you exams later why don't you study me baby girl I'm more inserting then, an boring old book"

Y/n " aww you are sue cute give me back my book punk"

Shawn " you have to earn it back cutie" soon the house phone rings and it steal away Shane attention and that when you get your textbook back and sit back on the couch.

Y/n " haha I win"

Shawn " fine you win but why don't we cuddle well we study together"

Y/n " fine but you have to take a shower first then we can cuddle and study"

Shawn " whatever my queen wishes" Shawn soon kissed you on the lips and soon walks away with a smirk on his face, you just sit there smiling and shaking your head and how much you boyfriends mood had changed. When he soon gotten done taking and shower and changing clothes, he join your back on the couch with his textbook and start study as well.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now