Batman x batman cuvry sister x superman

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Every since you had found out about your brother being Batman he soon had you helping him in missions, and giving him information when he was away from the bat cave. You were the only one that the manor tonight because Alfred went out tonight, to spend some time with his butler friends. You are looking at the bat cabe computer hoping that something interesting will happen.

???? " hey Batman are you here" you soon see Superman come flying into the bat cave, Bruce has told you about some of the superheroes and villains he has meet over the years.

Superman " hey you are not Batman "

Y/n " no I'm his sister but I'm guessing you already know about that"

Superman " yes he has spoken about you a few times"

Y/n " he will be back in three ... two ... one" soon arrive in the cave and got out of his car and soon saw Superman standing next to you.

Batman " Superman it nice to see you"

Superman " dose he mean that"

Y/n " maybe or maybe not being his sister never is easy to tell what he is like" Bruce is looking at you and you soon get the hint that he wants, you to go back upstairs and you soon walk past you brother and Superman. You having a feeling someone is watching you, but you don't want to ask many questions.,

With your brother and Superman

Batman " eyes off my sister Clark"

Superman " what I'm just being nice ... she a very nice beautiful lady"

Batman " my sister is off limits to you Clark and all the others in justice league I mean it"

Superman " yes sir" Superman smirks at Batman while he look at his computer, Clark did have the willpower to trying to romantic with you but he knew deep down that your brother will have his head if he end up breaking your heart.

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