Young female clone

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I'm a big Star Wars fan and I was brainstorming and writing a few star war related fan fiction, that I could make into a book and this what I came up with I hope you like it. If you want it to become book please comment below or vote.

I  have lived all your life in this planet never leaving or see anyone's but you two masters who were, one was a male Kaminoans and the other was a man who always wore a hood when you say him there were some others as well but I was not able to remember them that much . When you asked your master if you child never leave the planet, he will say no and tell you to go back into your room or to your training. Your training seemed to be hard and difficult and when ever, you messed up you were set to punishment that will last for hours on end.

????? " girl where are you"

Girl " right here master sora what the matter"

Master sora " you have been failing the last couple of training exams and lord master is not happy"

Y/n " I'm sorry master but I'm tried and I hurt every time when I have to pick up the blaster ....." before I could say anything else master sora had slapped you hard knocking you to the floor.

Master sora " how many times I have to told you lot to talk about failure"

Girl " I'm sorry master I didn't mean to"

Master sora " you never mean to when I you going to see that you have to be better or else they will not want you, and they will kill you where you stand"

Girl " yes master"

Master sora " now leave me girl before I make you rethink what you said to me with pain" I soon leave master sora and go back into my room and lay on my bed.

Girl " master is right if they find me they will kill me because I'm a failure" soon night fall had come and I was about to go to bed when the base alarms started to go off. I ran out of my room to go find master sora and ask him what was happing when, the door leading into the base blew open nearly missing me.

???? " look for him man but be carful this palace may be trapped and have droids everywhere"

???? " generals there are some life signs here that are not droids one belong to the monster....and other one belongs to a child I think" I hide behind a ship and soon saw a glowing neon light that was green and other one blue, soon the secret droids come into the are and start firing on the newcomers.

Girl " I have to find master sora" I soon worked up the bravery and made a run for it past the droids and the newcomers, coming that seemed to be dangerous.

???? " hey kid stop right there" I not listen to the bodies and keep in running down the hallways hoping to find master sora.

Girl " master sora ...master there are some people here that are trying"

Master sora " I know okay we are leaving for somewhere else where lord master will be waiting"

Girl " who those people master"

Master sora " they are here to kill you girl they are disappointed in you and want you dead" before I could say anything else I could here footsteps running toward ship hanger room.

???? " you there come with us peaceful and we will let you leave and let the girl go now you monster"

Master sora" not happing Jedi's fools" soon the second back up of droids showed up and started a new fight before I could, even more I was shot down by one of the droids I looked up at master sora.

Girl " master save me please I can't move"

Master sora " you on your own child I'm no longer you master .... you have always been a failure and the clones won't like you either, and soon enough the jedi will have your head" master sora soon takes off run while i look at him heartbroken why was he leaving to me die, and who were these people he was talking about.

Girl " master please don't leave me ....master please" soon everything become silent and I turned my head around to see two man holding glowing bright sticks in there hands.

Girl " ........ "

???? " generals he got away back we are having the squad go after him"

Girl " don't .... kill.... me" before any of the man standing in front of me could saying anything else I black out from he pain ready to expect my death.

Master sora

.... " you left here there with them"

Master sora " she was a failure my lord she need to be ....." master sora soon started get focused choked my the man in the hood,

????? " you just key go the one weapon we could of used to win this war, now we are going to have to try to get her back or kill her"

???? " there another way and she is to important to let go anyway being the allow female clone and something else as well"

???? " but my dear student we need this fool dead"

???? " yes master" soon the hood guy killed master sora and left his body on the ground and walked away, and back onto his ship to heat his master plan about the young female clone girl.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now