Dabi x chubby reader

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You are walking home from the grocery shops carrying four different, bags of groceries filled with food you had just brought and some household products. You soon get back to the house and open, the door sees all the lights that are on. You soon smell something wonderful in the kitchen and the sound of something cooking, on a frying pan. You walked into the kitchen and see Dabi standing at the stove cooking some food. 

Y/n" Dabi" 

Dabi" hey sweetie I got home early and decided to make you something to eat" 

y/n" Oh that wonderful " Dabi soon places the cooked dinner on two different plates and soon places the plates on the dinner table. 

Y/n" thank for the food"

Dabi" anytime hey let me help you put everything away"

y/n" sure" you and Dabi put everything away and you are soon, sitting on the couch eating dinner with dabi. 

Y/n" so what else have you brought over when you came by" 

Dabi" some of my personal things and some dirty clothes" 

y/n" oh dabi you have never changed have you" 

Dabi" Hey do you ever see yourself as someone wife" 

y/n" maybe why you ask dabi" 

Dabi" I justed wanted to know... you have been by my side since we had been very young and you never left" 

y/n" well that because I love you" 

Dabi" oh good because I had started to think I have been keeping you back from falling in love..and moving on with a new stage in your life" 

y/n" aww dabi I will still always be by your side no matter what happens" 

Dabi" okay" you did not the reaction on dabi faces was happy and somewhat sad as well, he had developed feels for you and wanted to become something more with you. He had worries that someone else will drop into your life and take you away from him. 

y/n" hey why don't you sleep over today and maybe you can stay for a couple days/nights" 

Dabi" sure I better than staying ...." 

y/n" with the others I know... You have told me many stories of what has happened" 

Dabi" you are my princess" dabi kiss your forehead and you soon look at him and smile, you soon take the empty plates and place them in the sink. 

Y/n" hey you can stay in the room you normally stay in ... oh yeah the room has been changed" 

Dabi" sure and thank you" Dabi soon walks out of the kitchen and you soon hear the bedroom door close, you love having dabi around the house he made you feel happy and wanted. You had taken a good shower and once you are dressed, in your pajamas you go to check on dabi. You soon open the bedroom door to see dabi working out shirtless. 

Y/n" Oh I'm so sorry I came to see if you need anything"

Dabi" oh sure.... like what you see princess" dabi had stopped working out and he is now looking at you. 

y/n" I don't know what you mean I was not even looking" 

Dabi" sure" dabi is now standing right close to you and it feels like something is about to happen. 

Y/n" well goodnight dabi" 

Dabi" good night princesses" you soon walked out of the bedroom fast blushing bright red, you soon are laying in your bed thinking about everything that has happened. You were not able to sleep a decided to get a drink of water, and that when you ran straight into dabi. 

Y/n" can't sleep" 

Dabi" no I have something on my mind " 

y/n" tell me we can talk on the couch" 

Dabi" sure" you and Dabi sit on the couch and you see dabi place his hands in his lap. 

Dabi" y/n.... you mean the world to me and when I think about it there no way, I can live without you and when I'm near you I feel happy and that peace with the world... what I'm saying is that I'm asking you to be my girlfriend" 

Y/n" I will love to dabi you make me happy as well" soon dabi kisses you on the lips and you kiss him back, it soon leads to a makeout between you two and soon enough dabi pulls you into his lap. 

dabi" now let's see where is night will take us"Dabi starts kissing your neck and you start laughing and blushing. 

Y/n" Dabi" 

Dabi" hush my princesses just let me show you how much I love you" 

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now