Leo x chubby hybrid lizard reader x Raph

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You had been taking in many years my master splinter a rat who is a well know master, of fighting. He was rising you and his two sons Leonardo and Raphael and with you being there you were able to bring friendship to see sons' lives. Over time you had started to fall in love with the two males turtles. You had started getting hate from their fan clubs because you were closer to the guys and them and had to a deeper relationship. 

Master splinter" hey y/n I have wonderful news to share" 

y/n" what the wonderful news" 

Master splinter" Leo and Raph will be returning home in a few nights"

y/n" really"

master splinter" yes they will be and by their letters to be they seemed to be asking about you lot, and wondering why you have not written them back... is everything okay my dear " 

y/n" oh yes sir everything is fine I had gotten busy... with something that has been getting my attention" 

master splinter" may this attention be a new man in your life" 

y/n" well umm no sir... hey I'm going to bed tomorrow I have something to do in the morning" 

master splinter" sure my dear" you soon walk to your bedroom and lay on the bed and start to fall asleep. 

The next morning 

you are standing in the garden as the sun starts its rise, even more, you soon walked into the kitchen started to make breakfast. 

????" hello y/n" you turned around to see Raph standing there with his arms to his side. He soon makes his way over to you, and you almost drop some bowls but Raph caught them. 

Raph" hey let me help you" 

y/n" thank you" Raph soon places the bowls on the table and is soon looking at you with, a smile on his face. 

Raph" it so great to be home y/n I happy to finally see you again" 

y/n" oh..." 

????" hey there you are splinter had said you will be here" 

y/n" oh yeah" 

Leo" so what are you making y/n" 

y/n" eggs and some porridge" 

Leo" wow that wonderful" 

Raph" can we happy you with anything else" 

y/n" Ummm sure" Raph and Leo help you with the breakfast and soon enough you guys are in sitting down and having breakfast with splinter. 

Master splinter" so boys I have seen that chest you had brought home with you, so what was in that chest" 

Leo" well they are gifts" 

Raph" we hope will bring a smile to someone we love faces"  

Master splinter" oh that sound wonderful do I know this wonderful lady"

Raph" well yes and no" you soon get tired of listening to this whole thing, and you get up from your sit. 

y/n" I have to visit the market and get a few things" 

Leo" do you need any company with you" 

y/n" no I'm fine you guys should rest and enjoy your time back home" 

Raph"oh okay...." you soon leave the guys and master splinter and leave the house, and you are soon in the marketplace. You soon are walking around trying to get your mind off the guys and the girl they are trying to win over. 

????" hey there you are" you turned around to see Leo standing with his sword attracted to his waist. 

Leo" I'm sorry if I followed you y/n I just wanted to know if you are okay" 

y/n" oh thanks" you buy a few things and Leo carries some of the baskets of food for you while you carry and smaller basket. 

y/n" thanks for helping me" 

Leo" anytime... hey is everything okay when we didn't hear from you for a while we thought you were sick or something but father said you were busy with something" 

y/n" oh yeah I have been busy with something..." 

Leo" may this something be a someone" 

y/n" umm" 

Leo" hey why don't me and Raph make dinner today we learned some great recipes while we were gone" 

y/n" sure" 

Leo" great" You and Leo soon get the house and you had into the kitchen to place the basket of food down. 

Raph" hey you two have been gone for a while" 

Leo" well we were shopping at the market and y/n list was a bit longer" 

y/n" sorry about that" 

Leo" it okay" 

Raph" hey can we speak with you later on tonight after dinner" 

y/n" umm sure" Soon night had fallen and the guys had asked you during dinner to meet you, the garden because they had something important to tell you. 

Leo"there you are" you soon see Leo and Raph standing under a cherry blossom tree, you soon joined them under the tree. 

Raph" we are so happy you were able to come" 

y/n" yeah I'm happy to be here" 

Leo" y/n we have something to tell you that we can no longer hold as a secret" 

y/n" what is it" 

Raph" we love you and have loved you since we been little" 

y/n" ....." 

Leo" We have also heard that people have been treating you poorly, for your relationship with us" 

y/n" yes it is true" 

Raph" then why didn't you tell us" 

y/n" because I didn't want to worry you guys" 

Leo" we don't mind y/n you mean the world to us... so what do you say will you be ours until the end of time" 

y/n" I will love too" 

Raph" thank you love" Raph pulls you into a kiss and soon the kiss breaks and later on Leo pulls you, into a kiss as well. 

Master splinter" It took you, boys, long enough" you and the guy look and see master splinter standing outside with a smile on his face. 

raph and Leo" father" you laugh a bit while Leo holds you close to him. 

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now