Werewolf x chubby witch reader

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You are walking threw the woods during a bright full moon trying to get home before it get, more cold and inside before any robbers show up. Everything is going well for you but you being a witch not a lot of things seemed to scare you, and you are also married to werewolf as well. When ever you were in danger your husband Jacob was not to far but tonight he was away at alpha and betas meeting.

Robber " you there give me all your money"

Y/n " I don't have any that worth anything"

Robber " fine you are a witch give me one of those portion you have to make me powerful"

Y/n " I can't do that even if you wished mosh of these potions are to dangerous of any man to hold alone" the robber tries to stabbed you but you moved out of the way.

Y/n " that was not a smart move mister"

Robber " what are you going to do your fat witch are you going to cast and spell on me and have me killed"

Y/n " no I won't me hurting you" you soon see a giant wolf walking over to the robber and it soon stand on his hide legs, you knew it was your husband already by the color of his fur and my his ripped jeans.

Y/n " you see I have a husband that will do more damage to you verse me" the robber soon turns around a see a the giant werewolf looking at him with a evil look in his eyes.

Robber " ahh..." you closed your eyes as the man gets dragged into the woods but you can hear his bloody screams, you soon open your eyes and see your husband now standing there.

Y/n " hello dear"

Jacob " hello my love the meeting ended early"

Y/n " that good come one lets go home before someone else shows up"

Jacob " yes my dear oh and I'm caught some fish on my way h9me so we have dinner for the next few days"

Y/n " what will do without you" you and Jacob walk home together and soon have dinner once you get home, you knew being married to a werewolf has it ups and downs but you knew you will always be there for your husband and he will be there for you.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now