Batfamily x short daugther reader x superman family

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You are walking up and down the halls of Wayne manor, you had just gotten home from school and you are super happy that your older brothers are coming home. Alfred had told you this morning that your brothers will be coming back, from their trip early but it seemed like you dads didn't like the idea of them coming home.

Y/n " hey dad are they home yet"

Dick " yes we are" you huh dick fast you really missed him and Conner very much while, they were gone.

Conner " hey what about me do I get a hug" you soon hug Conner as well, but you didn't see Bruce and Clark looking straight at them mad about something.

Tim " hey how was school kiddo"

Y/n " it was good .. oh hey the school needs a parents signature for a upcoming flied trip"

Bruce " here I will sign it" you give Bruce the flied trip paper and he soon signs it fast and gives it back to you.

Y/n " thank you":

Bruce " your welcome kid hey go place that back into your school bag, we have to speak with your brothers"

Y/n " okay" you soon walked away from your dads and brothers and go all the way back upstairs not listening to the argument happing down in Bruce office.

Later that dinner

Jason " what are you read on that paper kiddo"

Y/n " oh it just project for my class you see our teacher is having us, making these family trees and having as write these paper about out family" everyone got silent fast and looked straight at you.

John " oh what else"

Y/n " well we also got to take these dna test and the teachers said she will hand us back out result today, we had taken the test a few weeks ago"

Clark " wait what"

Y/n " the price of paper you signed for me when you see talking with flash and green lantern, I asked you twice if it was fine if I did it and you said yes"

Bruce " what about me"

Y/n " I even asked you as well and you said okay" soon Alfred had come walking into the dinning room carrying a letter in his hands.

Alfred " miss this letter has come for you I was going, to give it to you early when you got home but you seemed busy"

Y/n " it the test result" Before you could grab the letter Bruce has taken it fast before you could even open it.

Y/n " dad pleas if for school"

Bruce " you can look at it later dear but right now we are celebrating your brother return"

Y/non" yes sir"

Clark " we will speak about this test results later on tonight young lady"

Y/n " yes dad" you soon sit at the table and start eating dinner you really, wanted to see what the letter said but you knew it will be hard to get even if you had superpowers.

Later that night

You are laying on your bed thinking about the test results you had gotten off, lightly about the whole test thing, but you were not allowed to come crime fighting tonight with everyone else, so you went to your room to work on the project.

Y/n " wait I can go look at the result now and see what it says" You leave your room and head to your father office. You start looking for the letter but you couldn't find it, that was until you came across it.

Y/n " okay let's see what if has to say"

Alfred " miss you should be in here and I don't think master Bruce and master Clark, will like the idea of you opening that"

Y/n " oh hey Alfred I was just looking to see..."

Alfred " you will see what if has to say later now back to your room and I won't tell your fathers you were in here"

Y/n " yes sir" you soon give Alfred the halfway open letter and go navy to your room.

Alfred " oh miss if only you knew the secret we are all keeping from you, that will ruin everyone relationship with you" the dna test result paper fall out and soon Alfred pick it up, he knew what it was going to saw anyways everyone knew.

Fathers : Conner and dick

Child : y/n Wayne-Kent ( daughter)

I will be making a male young justice one that is similar to this one but I much more different, in the part of the reader relationship with everyone.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now