Male monster high x bullied chubby gergon reader

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You had a group for guy friends at mean a lot to you because they has always stood up for you, and made you feel special even all the smallest of days. There were some personal issues at your were facing at your haven't told the guys about, you had started getting by a werecat named Tony and his two friends who are twin were cats males.

Y/n " I have to tell them"

Tony " well what do you have here our little snake girl"

Y/n " Tony please leave me alone I don't want to deal with you today"

Tony " well I don't care what you have to say I'm going to do what ever I want to do"

Y/n " ....."

Tony " I can't believe the most popular guys at school are friends with a freak like you, everyone know you are a gergon you can turn anyone to stone"

Y/n " you don't have a problem with deuce"

Twin 1 " because he is cool and you are not you like fatty"

Tony " hey boys let see if this snake like water" the twins soon dragged you away to the pool area you, had a small fear of water.

Y/n " please Tony don't just leave me alone please"

Tony " send her for a swim boys" you are soon pushed into hue water and before you could say anything you feel your body hit the water, you had stated panic because you were not the best swimmer. You soon started feeling like your eyes were closing but the last thing you saw someone jumping into the water.

A few second later

Y/n " ahhh" you soon opene you eyes and see the guys standing over you with wonder looks, you were dripping wet from the water.

Logan " y/n are you okay"

Y/n " I'm good"

Claws " we came into here when we heard you screaming"

Freddy " Tony and his friends are in the headmaster office they have gone to far this time"

Y/n " I just want to go home"

Tut " come on we will take you home" the guys took you home and your father always heard of the news, Tony and his friend crossed the line and end up getting arrested for what they had done to you. After you had told the headmaster and police that they have been bullying you for a long time.

Y/n father " y/n sweetie your friend from school are here to see you" you had been told by the doctors to say home for while because you later found out, you sprained you wrist and you gotten sick from the cold water.

Y/n " thanks dad" the guys soon walked into your room and your father leaves closing the door right behind him.

Deuce " hey girl we came to check up on our number one ghoul"

Y/n " hey guys"

Freddy " we are happy you are okay but why didn't you tell us we could of done something"

Y/n " I didn't want to worry you guys "

Logan " you are our friends and we will do anything to keep you safe"

Claws " now come one why don't we watch some movies here and have some pizza and celebrate y/n coming back to school soon"

Y/n " okay" the guys made sure one started anything with you every again and made sure you knew you, could always come to them if you need their help.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now