Mobters x cuvry reader x Mobters

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You can say your friendship circle was not normal for a girl in the 20th century , and it was not very good when you two best friends at are males at are mafia bosses. Your two friends, tony and victor, had some similarities and differences when it came to them, even if they are twins brother they were the polar opposite of each other and ran their gangs when it comes to you it being neutral when it comes to your two bests friends who have become like lovers to you.

Tony " y/n my love can you tell mu foolish brother here you will be having dinner with me and me only"

Y/n " well you see ...."

Victor " no she will be having dinner with me"

Y/n " boys I love you both but I will be having dinner with the both of you, because I had called he restaurant and had everything arranged"

Tony " fine we have dinner with him"

Victor " if it makes you happy babe"

Y/n " see now everyone is happy"

Guy 1 " bosses I'm sorry for ruining your meeting with the lady but, there is some issues with the shipment"

Tony " I'm sorry my dear but we have to leave" tony and victor soon kissed you goodbye and leave, you are soon,eft alone in the living room of your shared hoses with the guys. The guys made you happy and your enjoyed being with them, and you knew from them and the others that you were the peace marker between them.

????? "  auntie y/n " you soon looked up a saw your godson run over to with a smile in his face, he soon get over to you and you look at him wonder what he is thinking.

Y/n " hey peter what going on"

Peter " I heard uncles are going to ...."

Mathew " hey kiddo there you are remember the promise we made with uncles"

Peter " oh yes secret"

Y/n " what secret"

Matthew " nothing but you will find out later on I have to take this on, to get his hair cut see you later y/n" Matthew picks up his son and they both walked out of the room smiling at you, you sit there at the chair wondering what is going on.

Later on at dinner

You are sitting at the restaurant table with you boyfriends eating the food at has just arrived, all three of you are in the vip area.

Y/n " were you guys able to deal with the shipment issues"

Victor " oh yes everything is fine"

Tony " did anything happen when we left"

Y/n " well I got to talk with little Peter and Mathew for while, they seemed to be hiding something from me"

Tony " maybe if just a joke between"

Y/n " that includes you two as well"

Victor " let's just enjoy our dinner and we can talk about our specials surprise for you"

Y/n " okay" you started thinking the guys were going to dump you after this dinner but soon the dinner, had come to end but the waiter had come by and drop off a small cake and red box.

Victor " y/n I know you might think we are some hothead when it comes to our relationship with you, but we are wondering if you..."

Tony " will do us the honor and become our wife so we can start a new milestone in our live together" tony had opened up the box and look at you along with victor.

Victory " so what is your answer love"

Y/n " yes I will marry you guys" tony and victor smile at you because your answer was that one they were hope to hear that night, and it had become true. You had later remember what peter was trying to say to you and you asked the guys, will it be okay to make peter you guys wedding ringer bearer and they said yes because Matthew was going to be their best man.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now