Batman x bat sis reader x superman

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Your brother had taken you to metropolis with him for some business, and let's say it was wonderful trip. That a big ball you had run into a reporter name Clark Kent and already he knew your brother.

Bruce " so tell me why you had a dinner with this Kent guy"

Y/n " He a nice guys Bruce and he wanted to have a interview with me, so I thought dinner will be good"

Bruce " sure you did"

Y/n " what is it with you and Clark"

Bruce " that between me and him.... oh it seem like mister lover boys is here to say goodbye" you and Bruce had gotten out of limo.

Clark " I'm wanted to say I had a wonderful time at dinner last night, and thanking for answering my questions"

Y/n " your welcome I enjoyed having dinner with you"

Bruce " hello Clark"

Clark " mister Wayne"

Y/n " you know I'm going to wait I'm the jet for you"

Clark " bye y/n"

Y/n " bye Clark" you soon walked into the jet while your brother and Clark look at you and soon at each other.

Clark " she a every nice girl"

Bruce " she also my sister and like I told everyone else she off limits"

Clark " sure Bruce we will see about that have a nice trip home"

Bruce " ........ " Bruce soon walked into the jet and sat across from you with a disappointed look on his face.

Y/n " what happened between you two"

Bruce " nothing important let just get out of here and back home"

Y/n " whatever you say Bruce"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now