Kirishima x witch chubby reader x Bakugou

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You are hanging out in a tavern with your two best friends Kirishima and Bakugou, you are watching them drinking and eat while you read over your spellbook.

y/n" are you two mostly done or are we going to spend the whole day in here eating, and drinking"

Kirishima" we will leave soon we are just showing us being manly, by drinking as much as we can"

Bakugou" yeah witch we will be done soon"

y/n" that what you both always say"

Kirishima " we promise and hey this time we will pay"

y/n" sure but remember we have to go on a few quests to get some more money, or will won't eat or sleeping anywhere comfortable for a while"The guys look at you and soon fall out laughing, and you soon get up from your seat and storm out of the tavern. In a few minutes, the guys join you outside.

y/n" ready to go"

Kirishima" sure and we are sorry for laughing"

y/n" it okay"

Bakugou" come on let's go on those quests and make some money"

y/n" sure let's get going" soon you all leave the village you had been staying at, for the past few weeks and into the mountains.

y/n" so what is this job you guys got us into"

Kirishima " well you see we have to get rid of this evil and the dangerous dragon, that has been stopping traders from using this mountain to be able to get place to place"

y/n" oh" after walking for a few hours you guys arrive that a cave, before any of you could do anything a loud roar came from the cave.

Bakugou " okay let's go y/n remember to stand behind us, we are going to need you if anything worst even happens"

y/n " sure" you guys walk into the cave and soon you are faced with the dragon who does not look happy to see you guys. He soon gets up from his pile of treasure and starts walking, closer to you all.

y/n" watch out he about to breathe fire" soon the dragon breathes fire and you run for cover behind a rock, you see the guys fighting the dragon. While you come up with a plan to help put the guys, you soon find a good enough spell.

y/n " it now or never" you soon come out from behind the rock and run towards the dragon hoping, to catch it attention.

Kirishima " hey y/n what are you doing we told, you to stay away"

y/n " I got it" you soon get the dragon attention and now he is after you, you start shooting a few spells that him.

Bakugou" no y/n"

Kirishima" we have to help her" the dragon soon starts shooting fire that you, and you soon duck behind a rock.  Bakugo had hit the dragon hard with the help of Kirishima and with that, it soon made the whole cave shake.

Kirishima " y/n where are you"

y/n" over here" Before Kirishima or Bakugou could even get to you the cave started to, cover you in rocks that last thing the guys saw was you covering your head and neck.

Many hours later

y/n" where I'm" you soon opened your eyes to see you are in a tent and in your bed, soon enough Bakugou and Kirishima come walking into the room.

y/n" hey guys"

Kirishima " it good you are awake but what were you thinking, you could have gotten killed back there"

y/n" I was...."

Bakugou " No we almost lost you back there do you know how we felt when we thought, you were killed we felt heartbroken y/n... you mean everything to us and we didn't want to lose you like that"

y/n" I just wanted to help"

Kirishima " we know but we love you"

y/n" I love you guys too"

Bakugou" hey we got some extra pay love so that means we can have a vacation, for a while before we have to do some more work"

y/n" I will love that"

Kirishima" as you wish my love" Kirishima and Bakugo give you a kiss on the checks and the lips.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now