Rex x cvuvry sentor x cody 2

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You have twin sons with your husbands Rex and Cody, when he senate had found out you were pregnant everyone started to question who was your husbands. It had become to much for you and soon enough your cousin padamo and few others friends told, everyone to leave you be and it your personal business. Your twin sons Roman and Colton were born when Rex and Cody were off planet, but when they got help anakin was able to get them time off to come see their wife and newborn sons. Anakin was so happy to finally meet his nephews as well and so were padamo, after padamo and anakin were told they will become god fathers of the twins if something ever happened to you or the guys.

Y/n " you really don't want to sleep do you Roland" it was a stormy night at Coruscant and you had been having a hard time putting he twins to bed. It seemed like Colton was going to bed fine after a while but it seemed like Roland was not going to bed at easy.

???? " hey do you need some help sweetie" you soon turned around and saw Rex and Cody standing there, Rex soon placed his helmet on a table and walked over to you and taken Roland out of your arms.

Y/n " ......."

Cody " hey were is Colton"

Y/n " fast asleep by now"

Cody " see he acts more like me everyday"

Y/n " oh yes he dose and Roland acts like Rex everyday as well" you soon saw Rex had gotten Roland to asleep, you soon looked at Rex with smile and you soon had taken Roland back into you arms and placed him into his room and back into this crib. You soon walked into the living room of your family apartment and saw Rex and Cody sitting on here couch.

Y/n " what wrong my loves"

Cody " it nothing sweetie"

Y/n " it is something if you are all acting like that"

Rex " it just this war it keeps going on and we just want it to end for we can come home more and be there for he kids"

Y/n " if going to be okay when this war is over we will be able to have a normal life or some what normal" the guys smile at you, and you smiled back at them the guys had spent the night at your place but they had to soon leave the next morning. The guys were not happy about leaving you and the kids again but they knew they need to help in the war, a and soon out it to a end so the galaxy will be safe.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now