Male mlp human x cuvry best friend reader

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You are walking down the hall of canterlot high school looking for you friends, you knew they were some where around the school but you couldn't find them.

????? " y/n I found you" before you could do anything you are soon knocked to the floor fast, and you already knew who it was when they screamed out your names it was Bubble Berry.

Y/n " hey bubble berry it good to see you"

Bubble berry " I have been looking everywhere for you and so have the others" You are soon helped back onto your feet by bubble berry.

Y/n " so where is everyone else"

Bubble berry " well they are looking for sundown glare he been acting weird lately"

Y/n " what do you mean weird"

Bubble berry " no time to explain here dusk will tell you" you are soon grabbed by bubble berry and you both walk down the halls fast, and soon you all walked into the library.

Dusk " you found her bubble berry"

Aj " did sundown glare see you both"

Bubble berry " nope"

Y/n " what going on why are we finding from sundown he are friend right"

Elusive " darling he been acting weird lately"

Y/n " what do you mean by ....."

Butterscotch " he going back to his old way of being mean to other and causing trouble"

Dusk " he also been using his magic wrong"

Rainbow blitz " so we are trying to come up with plan to make him go back to being nice"

Y/n " okay" soon the school bell had rang and you knew you and the guys had different classes right now, you are walking to you last class of the day when you came across somebody.

???? " there you are y/n"

Y/n " sundown what are you doing standing in the dark hall way"

Sundown glare " nothing just wait to see if I can talk with any of my friends you and the guys ..., have been avoiding me lately"

Y/n " we are not avoiding you sundown hey don't we have to get t9 class if we all want to go on the school beach trip"

Sundown glare " fine I will find you later bye y/n" you soon saw sundown walk away from you but when he was near you, you could feel something was off about him. You soon had gotten to your class to class and you had texted the guys in a new group chat about what had happened, between you and sundown glare.


You are walking to the cafeteria when you came across sundown glare and once again it look like he was up to to no good, you walk pass him fast hoping what every had come over him will pass and he will back to normal. You were about to walk down the stairs when you feel someone push you hard, before you could stop yourself it was to late you child hear people screaming and the sound of your body crash onto the ground hard.

???? " he pushed her"

???? " y/n" you had opened your eyes a bit to see you friends looking over you with worried faces, you wear about to ,one when you were stoped,

Aj" don't move y/n"

Dusk " the principles are coming"

Y/n " who .....pushed" before you could get a answer the last thing you saw before you blacked out were you friends faces, and the two principles faces along with some random students.


You were being taken away in an ambulance to the hospital the guys are worried about you, principles Solaris had boys they were free to go to the hospital a see you which they did. Aj had gotten his brother car so him and the guys could meet you at the hospital while dusk told his brother, the news you see your three older brothers went to same military school as dusk brother shining armor and his older friend celestro. Before the guys could leave they all looked at a squad car that was holding their former friend sundown glare in the back seat.

Butterscotch " what about him"

Dusk " he don't important right now we have to go see y/n and we will deal with him later" The guys soon left school and arrived at the hospital and soon after them your three older brothers arrived, along with dusk brother and his older male friend. Your older brothers were allowed to come see your first and they allowed your friends to come along as well, because your brothers knew your friend mean the world to you.

Y/n " hey everyone "

Aj " hey sugar cube how are you"

Y/n " okay I think"

Lighting moon " sis your shouldn't move yet"

Y/n " yes big brother"

Golden light " sis we have everyone worried"

Y/n " I'm sorry"

Sun dusk " golden light go easy on her"

Golden light " okay I'm sorry sis"

Y/n " what happen where is sun...."

Aj " he not here y/n he was the one who pushed you down the steps it seemed like he meant to do it"

Bubble berry " c9me one everyone let's not talk about home right now"

Y/n " sure"

Shining armor " y/n you should of see the guys faces when the doctor didn't give the news about you fast enough, it seemed like they were going to kill the poor doctor"

Dusk " shining armor stop"

Shining armor " what it was it was cute how you all acted over .... "

Celestro " hey they can show their feels verse you mister .... you barley could speak to the girl two days ago without sounding like a idiot" everyone soon starts laughing at shining armor and celestro going back and front making fun of each other.

Two weeks later

You are walk back into school you had gotten out of the hospital a few weeks ago and you had now decided, to go back to school and you were so happy to see your friends and everyone else.

Flash " hey y/n welcome back"

Y/n " hey flash good to be back"

Dusk " hey flash why don't you have lunch with us"

Flash " I will love too" you and the guys were heading to lunch no even talked about sundown glare, but there were rumor he was trying to get into school.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now