Bat family x short daugther reader x superman family 1

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You had been taken to a scientist laboratory with your father and brothers Conner and John, your father had been called there to check out some random new device the doc had found or made you don't remember. You soon say Louis and his camera boy jimmy they both worked with your father had daily planet.

Clark " Louis and jimmy it good to see you both "

Louis " same him Superman and it good to see the super boys and impossible girl"

Conner " so what going on doc"

Doc " well you see this deceive we have here points out to another earth like ours... but I don't know if it works" you soon get close to the portal and notice something moving.

Jimmy " hey it Batman and the batboys" you looked and saw your father standing there but you soon looked away and keeps looking at the device trying to see, what it can do. You still see the shadow following your ever move but you start to think p, it your powers playing with you. Everyone was talking with each other while you were paying attention to the deceive, and that when you get grabbed by something.

Y/n " hey ... what going on.... hey let go" soon the things starts pulling you into the portal and that when you let out a small scream.

Conner " impossible girl" you brother flys over to you trying to get you but something or someone shots something out of the portal causing the roof to fall and soon dusk to cover what is happing to you, and soon enough you are gone.

Hours later

Y/n " aww that hurts" you have a bad headache and some pain in your legs but you soon, walk it off and soon out of the building you are in.

Y/n " where in the world I'm" you soon see everything around you it black and gray it looks, like most of the colors in the world have been taken away. You soon fly into the air to see if you can tell where you are and maybe if you can find a way home.

Y/n " I think I might be somewhere else other then home" you soon see this giant cement statue in the middle of the city and for some reason, you decided to check it out. Then you see the statues are of your father but is dose not look like them, the way they stood and looked made them very different from the ones you knew.

Y/n " what is going on"

???? " excuse me .... impossible girl" you soon turn around to see jimmy standing there but he look very different, he did seem like the happy boy he once was now he an adult.

Y/n " jimmy"

Jimmy " how are you alive impossible girl I saw you die with my own eyes"

Y/n " well yes I'm alive what do you mean I'm dead"

Jimmy " let me show you" you follow jimmy to this memorial site and that when you see a statue in honor of you.

Y/n " but I'm not dead or I'm"

Jimmy" let me take you to the doc maybe he can explain this"

Y/n " sure... wait here the the superboys and batboys"

Jimmy " they are no longer called that anymore kid" you soon followed jimmy to doc laboratory and when he saw you he was shocked as well.

Y/n " okay what going on and why is the whole world different everyone looks sacred fo even do anything"

Jimmy " Superman and Batman had changed the whole nation to follow all the laws and now we are here, everyone is under their control"

Y/n " what my ... I mean they won't do that"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now