Batfamily x hurt daugther reader x superman family

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It was a normal night and you are on portal in the city, looking out for any crimes taking place. You were supposed to be with your brother Damien and John, but they had ditched you to be with their friends on portal. So you are left alone to deal with, criminals on your own your older brothers were not to eschew so there was no way to getting to them.

Y/n " nothing is happing over here" you soon hear over your intercom that there is a fight going on between, the villains and the justice league. You heard they were our number so you raced to go help them. You will later be blamed for something your didn't do, and moment that was not your fault.

Conner " y/n what are you doing here"

Y/n " I came to help out"

Dick " be helpful and stay out of the way okay, go help get citizens out of the way"

Y/n " sure" you do what you are old you help get people to safety, and everything was going well. You are making sure nothing bad happens to anyone, that was until something cars come toward people. You caught them fast and placed them on the ground.

Cop " thank you Impossible girl"

Y/n " you are welcome" soon a ray goes off and you do you best to stop it, but it dose not work and many people are killed by the ray. You did you best to get the survivors to safety, but you could tell by people faces that they were mad that you.

Jason " what happened here you were told to do one thing"

Y/n " I did my best but ....."

John " you begs you got people killed we all told you to keep people safe"

Y/n " I did but something happened"

Tim " dads want to speak with you and they don't sound happy"

Y/n " okay " when you got to the hall of justice you walked pasted some angry superhero's and sidekicks and they all looked mad at you for what happened. You soon get into the meeting hall to see your fathers talking with some, other members.

Bruce " sit now young lady we need to talk"

Y/n " yes sir" soon the other hero's leave but the only person who looks sad for you is wonder women, but everyone else looks mad and disappointed. You have your seat and that when you, stated getting yelled at by Bruce while Clark looking at you.

Clark " y/n we gave you a chance to so what you can do, and you messed up badly so many people are dead because you didn't do you job "

Y/n " I did do my job and I did my best to save people"

Bruce " no you failed young lady but that the only thing you failed at, your brother Damien and John brought this to our attention" Batman soon paced a bag filled with cigarettes and small bottles of alcohol.

Y/n " that not mine"

Clark " young lady it in your bag and it has you hands prints, on it so it yours .... we are sending you away until you can act mature and not a foolish kid, and for now on you are no longer allows in this building are to talk with any members of the justice teams"

Y/n " it not mines I'm telling the truth"

Clark " no more of this y/n Alfred is here to take you to airport, and you will be sent away to school for while .... you can come home if you want but remember not mess up again young lady"

Y/n " no it not mine and you can't send me away like this" you had been knocked out fork behind by green lantern, you are soon placed in the car with Alfred and taken to the airport.

Alfred " please miss know you fathers care about you and want the best":

Y/n " if they want the best for me they should if asked the other if,it was theirs and didn't blame me and stood by my side but everyone else if doing the same"

Alfred " everything will work not in the end by dear"

Y/n " sure Alfred goodbye for now"

Alfred " bye dear" you soon walked away from Alfred and into the airport, you knew those things are not your, and you had a feeling who it belonged to.

Y/n " the golden boys ... the false golden boys"

Back home

Damien " they sent her away John"

John " she will be back home in no time Damien and how much trouble, can we all get into hey we are the guys are okay for now and she going to forgive them"

Damien" okay"

John " when she gets home we can be a family again"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now