Male padamo x cuvry wife x anakin 2

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You were able to get another romantic getaway with your husbands but Anakin was not able to come, because of jedi duty but you are happy to have padamo with you. You and padamo were spending your vacation time at his villa on Naboo, and the only ones at the vila warred droids which made things easy for you all.

Y/n " you always seem to surprise me padamo my love"

Padamo " hey I just know how to treat my beautiful and lovely wife" padamo had set up a beautiful breakfast for you two with your favorite flowers and breakfast foods.

Y/n " you really know how to sweet talk a lady don't you"

Padamo " hey I just need to make sure you know how much I love you my queen"

Y/n " I was talking with ani last night and he said he might seek away and stay for a few days"

Padamo " well until he get here then you are just my wife and now and not his"

Y/n " you two are still going at each other"

Padamo " hey in my defense you married to man you never give up and fright even when it dose not, have to due with war or politics"

Y/n " I love being married to you and anakin" you and padamo are watching couple walk pass and children ran pass playing tag and laughing.

Padamo " hey you ever thought about the idea of having children and starting a family"

Padamo " me and anakin have talked about it but we didn't know, what you thought about the whole thing"

Y/n " well yes but there a war going on at the moment and right now we don't need the jedi or senate questioning, even more into my relationship with you guys"

Padamo " when this war is over maybe we can have that family and have a second wedding at the public will know about"

Y/n " sure but everyone else will be think it a first wedding"

Padamo " yeah but hey we can leave them think about that later"

???? " you two look very close" you soon looked around and saw Anakin standing there with his usual smirk.

Anakin " hey my lovely wife and padamo"

Padamo " oh great you made it and I thought I had her alone for yeh rest of trip"

Anakin " well I have some business here and decided to see what you were doing to our wife"

Padamo " just have a seat and join us already"

Anakin " okay" this romantic getaway you really enjoyed because you got to spend the trip with your husbands with out someone coming out of nowhere and ending the trip early.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now