Older young justice x daugther reader

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You had lived on private inland with your fathers all your life living here was dream and paradise to you, but one night you saw your fathers packing their bags. You had walked into the living room where they were all getting done packing you wanted to ask them where were they were going.

Y/n " dads where are you going"

Dick " oh sweetie you are up ...... well you see we have to go back home for some time but hey we will be back shortly"

Y/n " how long are you going to be gone for"

Conner " a few months but hey we will be home before your birthday"

Y/n "okay why can't I come with you all and meet everyone else" your fathers soon looked at each other and soon looked back at you.

Matt " you cant kiddo you will be safe here from all the danger out there"

Y/n " okay" the next morning when you woke up you had notice your fathers were gone you really thought, they were going to say good bye to you but it seemed like they're were to busy and had to get going. You were walking around the inalienable trying to find something to keep you busy.

????? " hey kiddo"

Y/n " uncle jasper you are here"

Jasper " yeah your father said you might need someone to keep you company while they were away"

Y/n " uncle jasper when will I see the main land and get to see the rest of my fathers family" your uncle just looks at you and pats you on your head.

Jasper " when you are older you will understand" soon months ahead gone by and your fathers had not returned, when you spoke with them over the phone it was long at first but soon become short. Soon months had tuned into years and you fathers broke their promise of coming home.

Y/n " hey uncle jasper can I come with you to the main land please"

Jasper " ummm....":

Y/n " please I really want to see my fathers and get to speed time with them"

Jasper " sure we can go but you have to behave"

Y/n " thank you" you ran onto the jet and while you uncle stood outside thinking about what he had said yes to but now, he will hate himself for what you were going to find out.

A few hours later

You had arrived on the main land and you were walking with your uncle see things you allow saw ok then tv and pictures, but you soon heard some voice you haven't heard in while.

Y/n " dads" you soon walk away from your uncle and into crowd and see your fathers standing there in suits, your fr so happy to see them.

Y/n " dad....."

?????? " daddy's " you see see some younger boys going over to you father and hug them along with some older lady, your father hug the small boy and kissed the older women.

Y/n " what going on" soon everything started to feel like your world was coming to an end you soon started to take, a few steps back when you soon laid eyes on your fathers and they saw you.

Wally " y/n what are you doing here who"

Y/n " stay away from me" you soon ran off fast having tears falling down from your face"

???? " y/n please wait we can explain"

Y/n " I hate you I Hate You " you soon started to float in the air and you looked down at your fathers mad and heart broken.

Conner " please come down and we can talk":

Y/n " no I don't want to talk anymore"

Apollo " we love you you are our  whole world"

Y/n " that a lie of I was you won't have lied to me and it seems like uncle knew as well, so if you never did love me you shouldn't of had kept me around and just left me on the inland alone" you soon fly away and go back home when you bet, there you place the inland on new secret code you come up with now only you came and go onto the inland.  You soon went init you room and sat on the floor crying, maybe you were really not want they wanted.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now