Male winx club x chubby witch x speacialist 2

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You are hanging out by a lake with the guys, they had dragged you along with them after days of it being able to hangout with you.

Y/n "so tell me again on how you all ended up getting detention"

Stello " it all started when we went on a mission and later go caught"

Y/n " oh."

Brandon " hey who were we suppose to know we will go get caught"

Y/n " ......"

Sky " so we have been hearing all the witches at your school, have been taking classes at cloud tower"

Y/n " yeah we have but no is happy about it most, of the wizard boys there have a very dark and evil side to them"

Bloom" than why are you there anyway"

Y/n " the wizard council kept it bugging the witches council on how young witches, are spending more time with male friaries and warriors, verse wizards"

Tenc " that not fair"

Y/n " oh it not"

Ash " what about your and other girls feelings on this"

Y/n " we all hate being told what to do and how to live our lives"

Hella " so what are you going to do"

Y/n " easy live my life on how I want and marry who I want and not picked to marry"

France " so have you meet the trixs yet"

Y/n " lets say me and those three have a long history from childhood and now"

Riven " so do you like them"

Y/n " no I don't what do you ask" all the guys looked at each other hoping, someone will say something to save them.

Bloom " oh it nothing"

Y/n " you are all weirder then the wizard boys al times"

Nex " I think we might be busted" you soon see all the guys teachers and headmasters standing there.

Timmy " well we had fun when we could"

Y/n " I think I will be going I have to get back to could tower before, the trixs know I left" You waved goodbye to the guys and soon left the beach.

The next day

You had been asked my bloom to meet him in this cafe, because he wanted you to meet someone new him and the guys have that their school. You had found bloom and and other guy sitting at a table, when he laid eyes on you he waved over to you.

Bloom " hey y/n I want you to meet my older brother duke"

Y/n " oh hello"

Duke" hello my brother and all his friends have told me so much about you"

Bloom" he will be teaching at school soon and I thought it will be great for you to finally meet, one of our family members that are ....."

Y/n " fine with witches p"

Bloom " yeah sorry .... "

Y/n " it okay" you sat at the table with the guys and had a meal with the you also got to know duke a little more, you had soon leave and head back to school.

Duke " i see why you boys like her she cute"

Bloom " hush"

Duke " hey me and Thoren might try to steal her away from you boys"

Bloom " not going to happen"

Duke " we will se B" later that day duke had told thoren ( sky cousin) about you and he had agreed to him all the boys tell you how they really feel and get all the parents to approve of you. Parents day was in a few days and that might help them, get the parents to understand their son loved a witch and it was really love not a spell.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now