Wonderous man x cuvry girlfriend reader

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You had gotten use dir being around a Spartan man who had been living on a inland all his life away from the world of man. Dane had become a close friend of your over the years when you was getting used of the world of man, your brother Steve started set the two of you on dates. Which took longer for Steve to explain what dating was like and the do and don't to Dane.

Y/n " Dane what are we doing up here "

Dane " I want to show you something else now come on you are going to love it"

Y/n " okay Dane" you follow Dane up the hill a bit more and you soon stopped walking, with Dane he soon grabbed your hand and looked at you.

Y/n " wow what a beautiful view"

Dane " you see I can asked you to come here because have something important to say to you"

Y/n " is something the matter Dane"

Dane " no everything is fine my princess"

Y/n " so why did you want me to come up here Dane"

Dane " I know we been dating for while and I know I don't act like other boyfriends"

Y/n " Dane you are perfect the way you are I love you for being yourself"

Dane " that makes me feel better princess but I still haven't said these three words to you"

Y/n " ......"

Dane " I love you .... I love you my princess"

Y/n " I love you too my warrior" you soon kissed Dane on the lips surprising Dane he soon kissed your back on the lips as well and brought your closer to him. His father was wrong not the whole world of man was bad there was some world and maybe you were one of the good things there in the world of man.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now