Batfamily x short clone reader x superman family

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You had lived all your life in this laboratory and you have been limited time, in the outdoors and you never knew why. One day you had finally worked up the courage to, ask if you can go outside for a longer time.

Y/n " hey doc I know Ibsen doing well in my training so, I was wonder if I can go outside a bit longer"

Doc " I'm sorry my dear but it not allowed you have to stay in the laboratory"

Y/n " but ....."

Doc " Fine here is a deal I'd you get back her before the sun sets, I will allow you to go outside some more"

Y/n " deal" you soon jumped off from the hospital bed and you were about to leave the medical room.

Doc " remember don't cause any trouble and here is some money, if you wants to buys something"

Y/n " thank you" the doc hands you some money and you head to your room, to change your clothes and soon enough you leave the laboratory. You are walking in the city minding you own business.

Y/n " wow .... oww" you soon run into someone and almost fall of the floor but some one caught you.

??? " hey are you okay"

Y/n " yeah I'm fine sorry for running into you"

??? " hey Conner what going on here"

Conner " sorry dick I had ran into this girl, and I was helping her back onto her feet"

Y/n " thank you again I have to be going"

Dick " sorry for my friend here again"

Y/n " it okay" you soon walk away from the two guys the first guy Conner have you a weird feeling, and so did the guy name dick but you really didn't know why. You are walking down a street minding you own business, when you heard people screaming and running.

Y/n " oh no" you soon see lex Luthor fighting members of the justice league and it seems, to be a big fight you are almost hit by a light post and you soon caught it and placed it on the ground.

Y/n " time to go"

????? " how did you get that"

Y/n " just luck ...l I'm going to go" you soon run off with other people running, and you soon blend in with the mob of people. You soon get back to the laboratory and get init your room, you soon noticed your hands are a bit cut from caught of the light post.

The hall of justice

Conner " she just caught it like it was nothing"

Superman " did you notice anything else weird about her"

Conner " well you see she looked different from anytime of human"

Bruce " what do you mean"

Dick " I think she might be another clone and we never found out how, many clones there are in the world"

Batman " fine when you find out more about her, tell us"

Dick " yes sir"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now