Male monster high x chubby hybrid reader 2

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You are watching your boyfriends practice scare basketball while you record the whole practice,you will be this whim grim but he was not here him and his family went on their zombie holiday trip to dead man inland. Well most of the zombies at monster high were gone and at dead man inland for the zombie holiday.

Claws " babe are you even recording the whole practice or doing something else"

Y/n " oh yeah I'm recording the practice"

Freddy " thanks again for staying after school with us and watching us practice"

Y/n " hey it better then doing nothing"

Logan " hey is your mother still away on her trip"

Y/n " yeah and she said if you boys want to spend the night more use the front door not sneak in my window"

Tut " she knows "

Y/n " it my mother she always knows" the boys just look at each trying their best not to smirk but you knew deep down, they were going to smirk at you anyways.

Heath " hey good looking"

Y/n " burns hello again"

Heath " come on ghoul I know you love me ....." soon a basketball hit Heath in the face knocking him the floor, and you soon looked at claws who was holding the ball at first.

Y/n " claws"

Claws " what we told me to back off so many times and he never did"

Tut " come on practice is over let get out of here before someone shows up and see burns"

Y/n " okay let's go" you step over Heath and soon leave the gym with the guys you had waited out side of the school for them to get of out locker room and dome taking showers. When the guys got out of the locker room you all went to the pizza shop and order a few pizza while tut was order the movie popular movies to watch at your place.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now