Mobster x cuvry good girl

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You had always been raised to be a good girl all your life until you fall into hue arms of a handsome and sweet talking mobster of the name of Tadashi. You could say when you first went on a date with him there was no going back, and you fall in love with your Mobster husband.

Y/n " Tadashi honey you have to get up you have a meeting in a few minutes"

Tadashi " ummm"

Y/n " Tadashi please sweetie get up" you clawed back into bed and start shaking Tadashi lightly but he soon warps his arms around you and bring you close to his chest,

Tadashi " I will leave soon but I want to have some special time with you sweetie right now"

Y/n " oh Tadashi you are sweet but not going right now but maybe later on tonight, if you get home on time for dinner"

Tadashi " fine if I get home on time and I hope I can get my reward for being a good guy" Tadashi soon stated kissing your neck making you giggle and blush bright red.

??? " hey Tadashi boss we have to get going we are going to be late for the meeting, so leave y/n alone a hey what you want later p"

Tadashi " fine I'm coming" you soon get off Tadashi and watch him get changed into his regular business suit.

Tadashi " I will see your later on tonight my beautiful wife, get some more sleep"

Y/n " sure be careful out there my love"

Tadashi " I promise my dear sleep well" Tadashi soon leaves the room but not before he turns off the lights and leaves, you soon had fallen asleep once again wearing your husbands hoodie.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now