Male jasmine x chubby reader

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You are in the royal palace with your best Jasmin and his pet tiger ruby, most of your day with your best friend was spent listening to him talk about all the princess his father wants him to marry.

Jasmin " I don't want to marry any of those girls they don't have kinds hearts and jays want to me for money and power"

Y/n " then why don't you tell your father you want to marry for love"

Jasmin" y/n you have know my father for years he won't listen to me every"

Y/n " oh well you have to try do you already have a women in mind you want to marry"

Jasmin " yes o do she means the world to me and I really love her but I think, she might see me as a brother"

Y/n " well if you love her then go tell her before someone else steals her away"

Jasmin " you make that sound easy then it is I have tried so many time to tell her I love her, but everyone I do something happens and I end up not telling her"

Y/n " well what is stopping you now my dear friend"

Jasmin " you are right" Jasmin soon got up from his seat and walked over to you and soon kissed you on the lips, with passion and you soon kissed him back.

Jasmin " you are the women I love and you are the one I want to make my queen and rule by my side"

Y/n " I love you as well and I will love to be your queen my dear sultan" Jasmin soon picked you up and holds you bridle style I'm his arms making you and him laugh and smile. A few months later you and Jasmin were married I'm big wedding ceremony with family friends and your people. The whole kingdom was happy at the young sultan finally found a queen and they were more happy, when they found out it was to be you as their future queen.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now