Batfamily x hurt daugther x superman family 2

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You are now 22 years old and you had finally decided to come home and collect, the rest of your things and finally leave your old life behind. You soon found out who the cigarettes and bottle of alcohol really belong to, and over the years at boarding school you started distancing yourself from your family and old teammates.

Alfred " I'm so happy you are back home miss life has been boring without at home"

Y/n " thank you Alfred but I won't be stay for long I'm nuts here for my thing, and then I will be leaving in some number of days"

Alfred " oh hey why don't we go see you fathers and brothers they, have been missing you a lot"

Y/n " okay" you soon arrived at the hall of justice and walked into the building, you had changed you whole look while you were away. You changed your hair color, got a few nice tattoos. You went to boarding school in Paris and soon enough you got used to living there, that after graduation you made a life for yourself and soon enough after working for a fashion magazine and you had been showed in a few pictures.

Y/n " I just say hi and then I will leave and go get my things"

????? " y/n" you stop walking and soon see kid flash and Apollo walking over to you.

Y/n " yes"

Apollo " oh wow you have changed the last time we saw you is when....."

Y/n " yeah I messed up and become the hated girl in American I know"

Apollo " I didn't mean it like that...."

Y/n " I was told to come say hey to my fathers and brothers have you see them"

Wally" yeah we can take them to you" you follow wally and Apollo to the meeting room and you walked inside.

Y/n " hello everyone long time no see"

Conner " y/n"

Y/n " yes that me everyone y/n is finally home"

Clark " you are finally home I thought you ...." Clark walked over to you to give you a hug but you took a step back.

Y/n " no hugs please I just here to say hey that all nothing else"

Bruce " sir down we can talk"

Y/n " nope I'm here for my things and then I'm leaving ... I have my own life now and I'm going to live it"

Dick " wait you are leaving again why not stay here and become impossible girl again"

Y/n " sorry impossible girl loyalist are to someone else "

Green lantern " hey no hard feelings right kiddo"

Y/n " oh yes Hal everyone girl enjoys being knockout out cold and send away, for something she didn't do"

Bruce " please just let us explain....."

Y/n " you know what I will just have some mover come get my things,and have it shipped it my place....bye" you started walking out of the room but Clark grabbed your hand and stopped you.

Clark " please stay for while longer we are sorry we ....."

Y/n " didn't believe me over golden boys...l sorry dad dearest but it to late to fix something that already broken"

Tim " we sorry okay we missed you"

Y/n " can say if I feel the same dear older brother"

Jason " what do we have to do to get you to come home and forgive us"

Y/n " leave me alone forever"

Dick " we can't we are family"

Y/n" no we are not" soon enough you see Damien and John come walking into the meeting room, and you lays eyes on them.

Y/n " oh look the ones who got me sent away"

Wally " wait they were the ones"

Y/n " oh yes they were along with the dead friends to scared to know up, to their bad habits and mistake and let someone else take the fall"

Bruce" Damien ... John she what she say true"

John" yes we it was our things we didn't want to get in trouble so we blamed y/n and the ray was our fault as well we didn't pay attention when y/n really did her best"

Clark " y/n we are ....."

Y/n " I don't want to hear it anymore I been waiting years, for you all to find out the truth but it seem Batman the great detective failed and the man with superpower, could see the real truth"

Bruce " we ....."

Y/n " I don't care but hey I have to thank my dear brothers for helping me find, a new life away from everyone .... well goodbye everyone"

Dick " wait don't leave ...." You soon walked out of the room and didn't look back, soon enough the whole justice league knew the truth about what had happened all those years ago, and soon enough everyone found out you were not to blame for all those deaths.

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