Male jean grey x chubby mutant reader x cycloups

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You are mutant was magic dark and light and you could say, your family hated you from the start when you got your powers. So one day you ran away and found a flyer talking about Xavier school for the gifted, so you called the number and you were told to wait at your motel room. You soon meet a women named storm and man named beast and they, told you they were like you mutants and they sook took you to your new home and family.

Storm " John and scot please come meet y/n the new addition the Xavier family"

John " hello y/n"

Y/n " how did you speak with me your lips didn't even move"

John " oh yeah sorry about that I'm jean and my powers are physiological"

Y/n " oh cool and what about you scot I like your glasses"

Scott" I can shot beams from my eyes and I have to wear these shades, to look at people"

Beast " hey boys why don't you show y/n to her room, it one a few door down for your guys room"

Jean " sure come on y/n we will show you where you will be staying and give you a tour of the house"

Y/n " sure I will love that" you walked into the Xavier mansion with the two new boys you had just meet, and for some reason you felt a special connection with them.

Xavier " I can feel this girl will be good thing for those boys and they will be good for her as well" Xavier was right because soon enough you became close friends with the boys.

Scott " hey y/n me and John were wondering if you ....."

Y/n " free Friday afternoon for the date"

John " he did you know"

Y/n " I overheard you two talking in the kitchen so what do you boys have planned"

Scott " just a movie and some dinner what do you think"

Y/n " I will love that boys"

John " thank you it were thinking you were going to say no to just"

Y/n " well you boys have nothing to worry about boys"

Scott " thank you y/n" you could say the date was the starts for something new between you and the guys because avert years and years of dating the guys had asked your a more important question. They asked you to marry them and you said yes and soon enough you had you new family with your husbands, and the X-men as well.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now