Older male young justice x cuvry wife reader

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You knew that you 6 husbands had a broken relationship with their mentors, you are married to six superhero's who were once the members of the justice league. That was until they had been kicked out of the justice team for something they didn't, do and once you had married them you all moved away far from where any members of justice team could find you.

Y/n " if has been ten years by now one of them might,even care where they went ...but nope tenure don't" you are sitting in the living room watching the news the guys were going to be gone due to crime duty. They had made themselves into some new hero's and changed everything about themselves, from the past.

Ding dong

Y/n " who could that be that this time of day" you walked to answer the door to see some faces you, haven't seen in a while.

???? " hello y/n"

Y/n " hello Clark and everyone else .... may I ask why you are all here and why now"

Batman " we want to see the boys are they here"

Y/n " no they are not work .... now goodbye I have something important to take care of" before you could even close the door the flash ran into the house, fast and that when you knew they were not going to leave anytime soon.

Y/n " haven't seen you all in ten years"

Superman " yes we heard you had become a scientist and married the guys"

Y/n " yes that is true"

Flash " so what has your life been like with the guys over these years"

Y/n " good"

Green arrow " we came here to make peace with the boys"

Y/n " oh goodie"

Green martini " we are very sorry on how we treated ....." just then a baby cried filled the room, and you saw the baby mentor lighting up.

Y/n " stay here" you soon walk up the stairs and init the nursery to see, you baby son crying he had waken up from his sleep.

Y/n" hush now sweetie it okay... just close you eyes I will make sure nothing bad happens to you"

???? " what a cute baby" you soon turned around to see flash standing there with Superman, and Batman.

Y/n " yeah he a sweetheart now let him sleep"

Flash " he sounds like he sick"

Y/n " he with a high fever, he been sick all day I called the guys and they said they will be home soon if they can" you son seems like not going back to bed anytime soon, and it seem like the other had some what rights to meet him. So your bring him downstairs,

Green arrow " so you made the boys fathers"

Y/n " yes...."

????? " what are you all doing here" you soon see the guys standing there and they look mad.

Batman " we came ...."

Dick " get out of our house and away from our wife and son now"

Superman " we just wanted to see ...."

Conner " leave now or else" the guys soon leave the house, you could tell the guys are hurt and mad.

Mat " sorry we are late coming to see you"

Y/n " it okay" the guys later got to hold their son and gave him some stuff animals, that they got from their trip. The guys helped you take care of the baby later that night, they had also told you nothing was wrong with your talking with their mentors.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now