Dabi x chubby friend reader x hawks

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You had just gotten home from the grocery stores because your fridge was almost empty, and you were also running out of supplies thanks to two people who keep on breaking into your place and making themselves at home. You two friends dabi and hawks always seemed to be in your living room anytime you got, home from anywhere and something will be destroyed or a mess. You soon get home and see all the lights are on and that when you have a feeling, they are here.

Dabi" oh hey y/n you're out of cereal and milk" 

y/n" get out" you toss one of the bag of food that dabi put he caught it. 

Dabi" oh thanks" 

Y/n" give that back and where are hawks" 

Hawks" oh hey your home" 

y/n" how the hell.... nevermind what did you all break this time" 

hawks" aww why do say it like that " 

y/n" because I have been your guy's friends for a long time... why are you in my house" 

Dabi" we just wanted to see our favorite number, one girl" 

y/n" aww that cute you owe me milk and cereal" 

Dabi" sure princess" you soon put all the food away while the guys keep on asking you all these questions. 

Hawks" hey we saw you had a voicemail on your phones answering machine, and we press the button to see who calling.. it was a guy" 

y/n" oh right I was making plans to hang out with these twos guys I work with, they are so cool and nice" 

Dabi" oh...what is their relationship with you anyway "

y/n" oh they are my friends they have the similar relationship I have with you two... why do you ask anyway" 

Dabi" we just want to know and we are looking out for you" 

y/n" aww that sweet of you two and that why you two are my favorite people in the world" 

hawks" hey do you think of us as anything else then just friends" 

y/n" what do you mean....." 

Dabi" nevermind hey what don't we just make some dinner and we can watch some movies" 

y/n" oh sure" What you didn't know was that your two best friends had a major crush on you, and they felt somewhat jealous and hurt that you were hanging out with other guys. They always came over to your house, hoping over time they can confess their feels to you. 

y/n" hey what wrong with you both, you guys are mostly so hyperactive when you come over"

Dabi" oh we just got something on our mind" 

y/n" aww is it a girl who is she" 

Hawks" she is someone who is close to us and we are hoping she feels the same, about us when we tell her how we feel" 

y/n" aww it cute to see you guys having a crush on someone" 

Dabi" yeah hey the food is done" 

y/n" yeah let eat" you and the guys sit in the living room and eat the food while watching some tv, you had seen the guys a few times looking at you while they thought you didn't notice. You notice it a bit but you really wanted, to ask them but you knew they will change the whole conversation. 

Dabi" hey will it be fine if we spend the night here for a few days" 

Y/n" sure you guys can" You had left the guys to go get changed into your pajamas and when you were walking down hallway and back into the living room. when you heard the guys talking and it seemed to be about the girl, they seem to be having a crush on so you listened in to hear who they are talking about. 

Dabi" fuck why can't we just tell her how we really feel" 

hawks" she might not feel the same but you heard what she said, she thinks as friends and then there those guys" 

Dabi" hey we still might win her heart we have a long history, then those two guys" 

hawks" sure but do you think she wants to deal with dating a hero and a villain" 

Dabi" maybe... I don't know" you soon walked into the living room and the guys turn around and look, straight at you. 

y/n" oh hey is everything okay in here" 

Hawks" oh... yeah everything is fine hey I'm going to take shower" 

Dabi" I'm going to get ready for bed but hey we will see you in the morning" 

y/n" okay good night love you guys" 

dabi and hawks" love you as well" you soon had gone to bed and you started thinking about, all the words you had overheard the guys saying. Are you the girl they have a crush on and why didn't they tell you sooner. You soon had fallen asleep dreaming of what your life could have been if the guys had told you the truth earlier. 

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now