Batman x cuvry sister reader

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You are standing in the bat cave with your brother Bruce Wayne, and you were trying to talk him into dating but it was not working. You had did your best to set him up on a few dates with the help of Alfred but if didn't work, because he always had crime fighting getting in the way.  You love your brother to death and will do anything for him but you really, wanted him not to die alone or with any bad feels. Since you could remember your big brother had been overprotective of you since your guys parents had, die when you were just a toddler and Clark much older than you.

Bruce " I don't like dating it not my thing"

Y/n " you are full grown man who fights in bat suit and fight a evil clown,and many other weird villains and you can't date"

Bruce " that a whole different thing y/n"

Y/n " no it not Bruce and come one just give it chance"

Bruce " hey I don't see you dating y/n"

Y/n " because to many guys are scared fo date me Bruce because my last name is Wayne"

Alfred " master Bruce Superman is here to see you"

Y/n "  oh yeah Clark here"

Bruce " what do you mean by that baby sister"

Y/n " nothing being nice that all .... why do you ask so many questions" soon enough Clark came into the bat cave and looked at you and Bruce.

Clark " did I come at bad time"

Y/n " no I'm just tryin to get my brothers to finally go on date"

Clark " hey Bruce I now some ladies that will be good for you .... and it will be good to see you date someone and not stay in here all day"

Y/n " see even Clark agrees with me and has some lucky ladies"

Bruce " first of all no I'm not ready to date or no will I ever in my life and second Clark not help my sister find me a date ... why are you here again"

Clark " well to go over the justice league plans and to see my one .... two favorite people"

Bruce " sure two favorite"

Y/n " I will leave you two to talk and I'm not giving up Bruce" you soon leave the bat cabs but you make eye contact with Clark and smile at him and he smirks back to you. You standing in the garden when you hear footsteps walking over to you.

Y/n " hey "

Clark" hey" Clark soon kissed you on the check and smiled right at you.

Y/n " how was the meeting with my brother"

Clark " it was okay but I gave me a reason to come see you sweetie"

Y/n " you are such a sweet talker"

Clark " hey that why you love me and hey maybe when ....."

Y/n " you have to go don't you"

Clark " yes I do but hey I will call your later okay"

Y/n " okay be safe please"

Clark" I will love you"

Y/n " love you too" soon Clark flew away but not right before kissing you goodbye on the lips.

Inside the manor

Alfred " they make a cute couple master Bruce"

Bruce " as long as he makes her happy I'm okay with it but if he messes up I will kill him"

Alfred " yes master Bruce"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now